Showman and pirates

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We see the group as they were seen in a ship as the ship was seen arriving to a town on an island as we see them get off of it.

Dimitri: I'm going to see what this place is like.

Dimitri then came out of the ship as Masked Marvel as he was seen going into the town via acrobatics.

Peggy: The boy is much like his grandfather.

Ashton: Yeah, which is why he was chosen as Masked Marvel.

Piper: But think we should go with him?

Ashton: He's the Masked Marvel, I'm sure he'll be fine.

With Dimitri we see him leaping from rooftops and was seen landing on one roof as he looks at the place.

Dimitri: The place is pretty nice. And it's nice to actually have some time to relax.

Dimitri then quickly moved to the side as we see a fist stretching towards him missing as Dimitri saw it and sees the arm retracting as he then sees the arm belonged to a young man with black hair wearing a straw hat.

Dimitri: I may have spoken too soon.

Ashton: Hey watch where you throw your punches you stupid rubbery kid!

We then saw him grab onto some lampposts and started to walk back as his arms stretched.

Dimitri: What's he up to?

???: Gum gum rocket!

We then see him launch like a rocket as Dimitri and Ashton saw him coming towards them.

Ashton: Incoming!

The two then jumped off the roof as we saw the young man hit the roof as the two were seen going through the streets.

Dimitri: What's that guy's problem?

Ashton: I don't know, but I don't think we should stick around to find out.

Dimitri: Right.

Ashton: D, I'll distract him, you keep going.

Dimitri: Got it.

We then see Ashton stopping as Dimitri then leaped up to a window and went inside as he closed it.

Dimitri: Least in here I'm safe from that crazy rubber guy.

???: Guess again.

Dimitri then turned and saw a man with green hair and three swords

Dimitri: Nice swords.

Zoro: Thank you, but it's not going to help change the subject.

We then see Zoro come at him with one of his swords and bring it down towards Dimitri but saw him catch it with his hands which leaves Zoro surprised.

Zoro: He caught my attack.

Dimitri then pushed Zoro back as he then held up a small sphere and threw it to the floor causing an explosion of smoke to appear as we see Zoro as he was seen fanning the smoke away while coughing as he saw Dimitri had vanished as we see him leaping from rooftops.

Dimitri: First a rubber person, now a three sword wielding swordsman? What's next, a little reindeer with a blue nose?

Dimitri then looked ahead and saw an anthropomorphic reindeer with a blue nose.

Dimitri: I was being sarcastic, but you know, it's kind of cute.

Then the reindeer transformed into a muscular build as Dimitri looked surprised and sees the reindeer throwing a punch as Dimitri quickly moved to the side as he pulled out a long ribbon as he then started to run around the reindeer as the ribbon was seen going around him in every direction as Dimitri slid underneath the reindeer and pulled the ribbon causing it to tighten and immobilized him as he struggled to get out.

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