Azur Lane Slow Ahead Season 2 Episode 1 Ready Set Slow Ahead

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They then chant

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

They then chant

Laffey, Laffey-chan, Javelin and Ayanami:Bunny ears, bunny ears bunny ea-

Z23 opens the door and steps up front

Z23: Guten Tag, From this day fort, I am your advisor

Sims: Our advisor?

Javelin: Nimi-chan does that mean you'll be our teacher for the rest of existance

Ayanami: Teacher

Z23: Nein that's not exactly it

Javelin: Should we call you Nimi sensei

Laffey: Nimi sensei

Laffey-chan: (Chuckles)Nimi sensei

Ayanami: Nimi sensei

Z23: stop don't call me that( Thoughts:This reminds me of Dragon Ball Super)quit making fun of me!!!!!! more importantly Laffey and Laffey-chan, class is about frieking Start so both of you stop sleeping please!!!

Javelin: Oh bloody hell, Laffey, Laffey-chan wake wake up

Both of them put their heads up

Laffey and Laffey-chan: Just six more hours (they then put their head together and sleep)

Javelin: Oi bloody hell, that's too long

Ayanami: All classes would be over

A few minutes later

The class eventually starts and the 2 Laffeys somehow stay awake we'll sort of

Laffey: Poke poke(Pokes Javelin)

Javelin: What wrong Laffey

Laffey-chan: She was trying to make sure you won't fall asleep

Javelin: Don't worry I'm not like you two

Laffey and Laffey-chan: (Ears drop down) We don't sleep that Heavy

Ayanami:(Yeah right you slept 24 hours once)

Javelin: That's right I'm sorry

Laffey and Laffey-chan: Were both paying attention to Z23....( They both drop down to their knees and sleep again)

Z23: They're both heavy sleepers

Javelin: well it runs in the family I guess

Ayanami: I also sleep heavy but it's mostly when me and Enterprise stay up all night playing video games and streaming on Twitch

Ayanami then pokes the two Laffeys

Laffey-chan: were not asleep (Then sleeps)

Javelin: I wonder why she is like this. I got it why don't we look in both of their rooms to try and look for something to wake them up

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