Azur Lane Slow Ahead Season 2 Episode 1 Ready Set Slow Ahead

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At the Azur Lane Dormatory

Our favorite bunny is now beginning to wake up

Laffey 724:Mmmmmmmm I had a good sleep (She then looks at her alarms clock and sees it is 8:00) Wait what the it's this late already? My hair Is a complete mess got get ready( She runs towards the bathroom, takes a bath dries her hair and runs out her room) Laffey 724 ready for action (Holding her American Flagpole )

At the hallway Javelin is running to get to the classroom then she stops to check herself

Javelin: That was close, I was almost late, I need to double check myself before I go into the classroom(Realizes something). oh bloody hell what if I run into Admiral Nimitz. ( She then begins interpreting Admiral Nimitz look I don't know what the name of their commander is so it's Nimitz) Good morning, Javelin It's going to be a great day since I saw your cute face today(She turns around and talks in her normal voice) Commander you shouldn't really say that in front of everyone (She turns her back and interprets Nimitz once again) Your cute when you get embarrassed. here let me take a closer look(She then imagines kissing Nimitz) As if!!! As if!!!!

Then she hears a familiar voice

Laffey 724: Javelin what the hell are you doing

Javelin turns around

Javelin: of Laffey-chan

Yes Laffey 724 will be Laffey-Chan

Laffey 724: You'll be late

Javelin: R-Right

They then run towards the classroom with ayanami and Laffey 459 following them

At the classroom

Laffey 459: I made it

Laffey 724: We all did

Ayanami: We didn't get late. I'm proud of us

Javelin:(Sweating) But that's not normal, school is not like that

Laffey 724: Why we have to be in important operations?

Javelin: That's what I was about to say(Javelin stops panicking and then stares at Ayanami)

Ayanami: Is there something wrong?

(Javelin and Ayanami both stare at each other then looks towards the two Laffeys well their bunny ears)

Javelin: Laffey and Laffey-chan both of your bunny ears are cute I wish I hade one

Laffey and Laffey-chan: They're not real

Ayanami: I have ears to(Put her hands on her ears)

(Godzillawastaken: please tell me if that's ears or just a headband with ears?)

Javelin: (Pretends having ears using hand)I want some bunny ears. to

Laffey 459: I'll lend you my matching pair

Javelin:(Mind) She even has spare parts too?

Ayanami: I want bunny ears to

Laffey 724: Well I do have spares but  it's has rubber bands with them your gonna have to style your hair in pigtails

Ayanami: I'll take that risk

Outside a familiar Nimi is walking towards the classroom

Back at the classroom

Javelin is now wearing the bunny ears but keeps her ponytail And Ayanami is also wearing the bunny ears but she had to style her hair into twin pigtails similar to valiant

DD 724 goes to Azur Lane Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin