"Come on, if I get drunk we can just crash in here Jen won't care and we've done it before. You just take the key of her room and we sleep on her bed."

"That is too much fucking work when you could just be a good designated driver and drive us home." Divya stabbed me on the chest with her finger.

"I'm glad we could agree. Now I'm going for a beer." I walked away before she could keep complaining about anything else that she could come up with.

When I finally reached the kitchen I searched through three coolers until I found one filled with beers instead of empty cans. I headed back into the living room to join the people who were dancing, not caring about anything else but me for the first time in the month.

One beer turned into four and into shots of vodka and... tequila? Rum? Maybe both, mixing is never a good idea, but once that burning in your throat stops and the alcohol starts passing like it was water there's no much distinction. I was not in the point where I couldn't tell my surroundings, I could still stand and talk— tripping and slurring but I could manage.

I don't know who I'm dancing with though, I'm sure she doesn't know who am I either. The unnamed woman was dancing against me, my hands on her hips and she would occasionally turn and kiss me.

I was getting thirsty... in both ways, but more so literally.

So I removed my hands from her and started to walk away, "Hey w-where are you going!" The brunette was clearly drunk, but I couldn't care enough to reply to her as I was drunk myself, so I ignored her and left her behind.

I was forgetting something... some... one.

Oh Divya!

Where could Divya be?

Another drink or looking for Divya? I'm fucking thirsty— no, not another punch in the tit. I went to whatever room there were in this ridiculous big house in search for Divya — one, two, three, every fucking room I searched and she wasn't in any, maybe she managed to get fucked, she could use some with her crankiness lately. Anyway, bathrooms... I need to check the bathrooms.

After one failed try and the second try traumatizing my drunk self I went to a third bathroom. "Knock, knock." I yelled as I came in.

There was Divya in the floor with other girl assisting another that seemed to be vomiting on the toilet.

"There you are!" I exclaimed. "Who is that?" I giggled stupidly at the stranger's misfortune.

"Jen." Divya now giggled with me at Jen's misfortune.

"Drunk?" I asked referring to herself.

"Bit." Divya made a signal with her fingers and laughed.

Bit much.

"You?" She asked back.

"Much." I laughed like an idiot.

Maybe I'm more drunk than I thought.

The sound of puking that came from Jen made me snap out of it and look at her again, the other girl that was with them held Jen's hair back.

"Who's she?" I pointed to the girl who's name I do not know.


'Grace' turned around and waved at me before returning her attention to their sick friend.

"I'm thirsty, Jen you spilled your guts on the floor." That made the very drunk woman look up from the toilet and start crying.

"Oh my god I'm gonna die!" Jen threw her face against Grace who's face was one of disgust, but she didn't push her away.

"You are an ass Kaden." Divya said trying but failing not to laugh.

"Keys." I slurred and extended my hand.

Divya took out the keys from Jen's pocket and gave them to me, with that I walked out of the shit smelling bathroom and headed for the kitchen, finally I'm getting my fucking drink.

"Beer, beer, beer, beer... where's the fucking beer?"

How much beer does these Canadians drink?

I got tired of searching for a can of beer and settled for the first thing I saw, which was a bottle of... whiskey? A very cheap and shit one, but good enough.

I'm not sure how I managed to climb up the stairs and unlock the door of Jen's bedroom without spilling much of the bottle but I did. When I closed the door and threw myself on the bed I could feel the world spinning... or was I the one spinning?

I might be really drunk.

I'm not fucking anyone tonight... fuck.

When I felt something vibrate on my pocket I got scared until I remembered I had a phone. Someone was calling, I didn't bother check because as I was about to take a drink of the bottle while I laid on the bed some of it spilled on my face.

"Shit." I muttered and wiped my face, "Who is thou that calls?"


"Who is thou?"

"Jessie, Kaden are you drunk?"

"Oh you... I can't escape you can I?"

"You left your iPad at my house that's why I called, are you drunk?" I heard her repeat as I took a swig of the bottle.

"What is an iPad?"

"Never mind, you are."

"Mrs. O'Connor." I stretched out the first o and r in her last name and giggled like a fool.


"You are hot, you've always been annoyingly hot... but not like I want to fuck you type of hot, pretty. Hmm you and I that would make me puke... like Jen!" I laughed at my own words. "I don't like you... I like when you talk to me."

There was silence on the phone for a moment. "I'm never letting you live that one down, you know?"

"You don't let me think... always in my fucking mind, you, you." I slurred feeling my eyelids falling and closing.

"Good... now go to sleep and sleep on your side Kaden."

I hummed and threw my phone somewhere across the room, arranging myself as I gave up fighting against the tiredness. I heard the door of the room opening followed by the voices of Divya and... what was her name? Before the bed dipped once... twice... and three times before sleep knocked me out.


A/N - Thoughts?

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