"Carina says 'hi'." The woman said as she sat back down in her seat. Marcus went back to the kitchen to get the dessert.

"How is she?" Marcus's mother asked. She hadn't seen her granddaughter in so long. She was really missed.

"She is doing good. I think she called mainly to ask about Nova, but she seemed fine." Leana nodded at her mother in law.

Cecilia listened to the conversation as she swirled her wine in the glass. She could feel her blood raising at them talking so bluntly of a person that they wanted to be a secret.

She had listened to this many times. They talk about the oldest daughter, in fact Orions twin sister until Nova comes back into the room. Then it goes silent and the attention is turned towards poor clueless Nova. But what they don't know is that Nova isn't as clueless as they think.

Cece looked down into her glass before drinking what was left of it. She needed the courage for what she was about to do.

She could hear the footsteps of someone walking up the stairs. A low chatter and a chuckle followed. Cece did something bold before the trio who was coming towards the room could arrive.

"Why haven't you told Nova about her?" She asked the million dollar question. A little loud so everyone in the house could hear her.

Ceces' prediction was right. Nova was on her way into the dining room. She halted in her place when she heard her name, so did Alex and Venessa who was walking behind her.

"Why did you stop?" Vanessa stumbled a little but regained her balance with the help of her brother.

"They're talking about me." She put her pointer finger at her lips to sign for them to be quiet.

Catherine looked at her wife pleadingly. She knew what she was doing, and it was fair towards Nova to take that discussion for her, but not now after so many drinks. She put a hand on her thigh to make her stop what she was doing, but she didn't want to.

Cece brushed her hand of gently and looked at her. Catherine shook her head to tell her 'no' but she didn't seem to catch on.

"Catherine, you have seen it yourself. The way Nova is being excluded from this family is insane. All the secrets need to stop." Cece argued.

"Cece, what I tell or don't tell my daughter is up to me, and me only." Leana looked at her with narrowed eyes. Usually she liked her sister in law, but she hated when someone interfered with the way she raised her kids.

"Leana, I understand that you don't want my opinion. But if you keep treating your almost seventeen year old daughter like a five year old, you are going to push her away." Cece knew she had crossed a line.

"Cece." Catherine shook her head. "It's pointless. But I do agree."

Leana looked at her younger sister. She felt anger towards her. A little betrayed. She knew the reason behind all of her secrets. She seemed okay with them.

"What do you mean Catherine. You are in on this, so is everyone else." She chuckled. Disbelief in her tone.

"Yes, I did think it was a good idea to hide it from a toddler, but not a teenager. This ball of lies have been rolling for too long. I think it's time to come clean." She finished. It was good to get it of her chest. She had been wanting to tell her sister this for so many years.

Leana let out a sigh as she leaned back in her chair. She shook her head.
"I can't." She whispered softly.

"I think we might have too." Markus sight as he looked at his wife. She looked at him a little confused.

"Alex. Nova." Marcus said with the same stern voice he had always used when the two of them had gotten into trouble. "Stop eavesdropping."

Venessa had gone to the bathroom a while ago, she didn't want to get busted for eavesdropping with the 'kids'.

Alex and Nova walked into the dining room. It was silent. Everyone was looking at them, terrified. Nova was only looking at her mom. But Leana didn't find it in her to look back at her daughter.

"Leana." Markus had walked up to his wife. He was nudging her to walk over to Nova, but she was resisting.

"No. It's not our story to tell." She shook her head. She looked back up, but this time she looked at Caelum. Nova saw that.

Caelum took up his phone and put it to his ear. This confused Nova a great deal. She looked at anyone else for help, but they avoided her gaze as well.

Some family.

She rolled her eyes at their stupid behavior. "Cowards." She murmured so only Alex could hear. He snickered at that.

"lei vuole sapere la verità." Caelum talked into his phone. Nova looked at him confused. Since when did he speak fluently Italian? After a longer conversation and some hesitation he motioned for Nova to come over to him.

Caelum took the phone away from his ear and towards Nova. It was now on FaceTime with a beautiful woman showing on the screen.

"I think it's best if we leave." Mike stood up and told the other siblings and grandparents to do the same. They knew that this was a more intimate affair, and they needed to let them be for now.

Vanessa had reappeared and agreed with the uncle.
"We should leave too." She told Alex. He looked a little conflicted back at Nova. She gave him a reassuring nod to tell that it was okay to leave.

"If I don't answer any texts tomorrow, you know who killed me." Her dark humor shining through.

"Nova!" Leana gasped. She had stood up from her chair and was standing beside her daughter.

Phoenix and Hunter laughed while the others chuckled. Alex shook his head in amusement. That's his girl.

After everyone had left it was only the closest family in the room.

They all turned their attention to the phone.

"Hi, Nova." A sweet voice greeted. "You should probably sit down."

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