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Kunpimook was a ordinary child who was a major in dance choreography as well as singing, or, er- rapping. (I mean he majors in music, or he plans to, he's not in college yet.) The poor boy seriously had no idea what was to fall upon him. (Bambam did nothing wrong)


"Go out with me."

The words that had came out of the latter's mouth had shocked the pink-haired boy. People who walked the hallways gave them curious stares but didn't try to know about the situation.

The younger boy opened his mouth, only finding out that no words were spoken. The darkly dressed man's face was dangerously close to his own.

"P-Pardon me?" Kunpimook asked, involuntarily stuttering as he shifted away from the other boy slightly. "I.. I think I misheard what you said." He quickly added, his tongue running over his lower lip as he smiled nervously.

"I'm pretty sure you didn't." His attacker smiled smugly (by that I definitely mean seductively.) "Go out with me. Date me." He drawled, watching the younger boy closely and Kunpimook swore that he felt those dark chocolate eyes boring through his poor soul.

Oh, whatever did I do wrong?

Kunpimook sweated nervously as he gently removed the other's hand from his chin with his own (sweaty) hand. "N-No thank you!" He smiled, awkwardly but politely. "I.. I don't think I have a reason to date you?" (he meant that he had every reason, i mean it's jackson) He said, the other boy suddenly looking dismayed and several gasps were heard from around the hallway.

"You do!" The boy exclaimed, retracting his arm and moving slightly closer to Kunpimook. "Date me because... Because I like you!" He said, pleadingly (desperately), taking one of Kunpimook's hands in both of his and holding it close to his chest, surprising the already shocked boy. But I don't even know you! Kunpimook screamed in his mind, eyes glancing nervously at the warm hands holding his own.

"I-" He stopped, watching the other look at him hopefully (and cutely.) "I don't think I will. I don't even know you!"

His words caused nearly every passer by to gasp loudly, even the boy dressed in ebony was shocked. Someone in this high school had not yet known of the Jackson, and even had the guts to actually reject said boy.

"No, please- I... Give me a chance!" He pleaded, and Kunpimook wasn't sure if he sounded desperate to get him to say yes because he wanted to actually go on a date or for a completely different reason.

Kunpimook knew that trying to reject him wouldn't lead anywhere else. He looked at the boy. "I... I'll give it some thought..." He mumbled, looking away as his childlike cheeks turned somewhat rosy. (but damn his hand was really starting to get sweaty between Jackson's hella hot ones.)

Jackson, hearing the younger gentleman's response, lifted his head in surprise. He wanted to scream out in joy but kept his cool exterior. He cleared his throat as he straightened his button up. "A-Alright. Give me your answer within a few days." He fiddled with the bill of his cap and walked off.

The pink-haired boy stood, dumbfounded. He gripped the strap of his backpack while his free hand rested on his heart. He walked the opposite direction the ebony dressed man went. Only one question lingered in his mind.

What was that all about?


Kunpimook could not focus in any of his classes. The only thing he could think about was the fact that today, he was asked to go on a date with a popular student (popular and hot as hell but he happened to never notice him.) What in the world am I going to say??

The lunch bell rang down the hallways, signalling that it was time for lunch. Kunpimook grabbed his things and exited the classroom.

Every step he took, the halls were filled with murmurs and whispers, mostly about him, making the young boy put his head down in shame. Was rejecting a popular student really that bad? He didn't think so. (That's because he's too freaking innocent to know goddamn.)

The boy quickly made his way to his locker and swiftly opened it, stuffing his books into it neatly and pulling a small lunch box. He sighed and closed the locker door, locking it and stayed still for a bit. (keyword: bit) That is, until he heard a loud and somewhat familiar voice ring in his ear.

"Have you thought about it yet?"

Kunpimook yelped and jumped backwards, nearly dropping his lunch. "Y-You scared me!" He gasped, placing his free hand over his chest to calm the thumping. "Don't do that!" The ebony boy grinned (kinda idk trying to hold in a laugh or something) and said a small string of apologies before asking again.

"But have you thought about it?" He repeated, leaning on the lockers beside Kunpimook's. Well how could I not?!

Poor Kunpimook wanted to scream.

"Kind of..." Kunpimook answers, somewhat honestly. "Kinda hard not to think about it..." He mumbles.

"Listen... I know you probably feel really awkward with me asking you out in a really direct manner, but..." Jackson fiddled with the (hella nice) collars of his button up, trying to find the right words to say. "Love works in a crazy way, right? Not only for those who fall for the opposite gender, but also for those who fall for the same gender as themselves."

But how can you love me when I just got here?! Kunpimook internally screamed. (Pray tell, how can you fall for someone who you just met? Oh wait, oh shit nvm. I should know, I'm a kpop fangirl ffs)

The sound of the older latter clearing his throat woke the younger from his thoughts.

"So, how about it?" He repeated, eyeing Kunpimook down once. The latter could feel a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Um, before I say anything, telling me your name would help lots?" The pink haired boy smiled awkwardly, pressing his lips together tightly.

The boy before him seems somewhat taken aback. Oh god, did I say something wrong?

Kunpimook looks at the boy before him nervously, waiting for his reply. He watches as the latter dressed in ebony slowly licks his lower lip before smiling. (smirking, i mean smirking but bambam thinks he's smiling)

"Jackson... My name's Jackson."

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