How it All Began

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Jackson groaned. He could not believe himself but he couldn't believe that he was going through with this.

Did he really want to do this? Yes. Yes he did. He was not going to back down to Im Jae Bum's bet with him. Even if it was the worst bet he had ever made.

Pride was a terrible thing.

The boy stomped through the hallways, ignoring the both pointed glances and the lustful eyes of the other students in his college. He was almost used to it.


He continued to take long and swift strides down the crowded hallways, fixing his cap and checking his phone nonchalantly even though there was no notifications of any sort. He'd even forgotten who he was looking for.


That's right. That boy. What was his name again? It started with a K... K-Kunpimook? Kunpimook something. It was fine as long as he knew the kid's first name. But to hell with it because Jackson didn't even know what the kid looked like, but JB(Jae Bum) had generously told him what classes the kid had and what his hair colour was. Not that it helped that much until Jackson learned that the kid's hair was pink.

What kind of brat dyes their hair pink?


"I found you." Jackson muttered irritably to himself, eyes gazing upon bright pink hair that was covered by a black beanie. The boy, Kunpimook whatever, had bright pink hair, like described, neatly brushed over to one side, and was wearing a somewhat oversized, thick black sweater with wide scarlet stripes that hung over a navy pair of skinny jeans.

And hot damn, that kid had nice legs. (and that's when Jackson thinks, wait, shit that wasn't right.)

It's only for one week... Ask him out for one week and you got yourself 50 bucks, Jackson. He thought to himself. For the money (and pride.)

He took a deep breath and stopped to fix his already fine outfit. Pulling his ebony cap down more and fiddling with his black button up(with nice collars mind you) that was nicely topped off with a black sweater. And black pants.(black like JB's soul)

Jackson saunters over to the boy who just happened to finish doing whatever he was doing at his locker, locking it up and swinging his small backpack over his shoulder. He waits for the crowd to lessen before he walks into it, apologetically smiling when someone bumps into him. (is he sorry for being in the way) Jackson snorts, cutting straight through the crowd (he is pretty short but hella strong, or so he thinks.) The boy dressed in complete ebony stops short before the victim of his bet, pushing him into the lockers and slamming his hand into the lockers, dangerously close to the boy's shocked (and hella cute) face (Jackson's trying to kabedon btw.) He smoothly takes the boy's chin with his fingers and forces him to look at his face. Jackson smirks, just a little.

"Go out with me."

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