"You really want to try that again?" She asked him and he wisely backed off but he still glared at Jasper over her head. Jasper and Nate turned at the sounds of a struggle, Daryl had jumped at Nicholas, keeping him away from his friend and Nicholas was yelling incoherently, clearly pissed at the position he was in on the ground.

Luckily, Rick and Carl had run back in through the gates just before they were about to close and Rick ran up to Daryl, wrapping his arms around his neck and talking into his ear, trying his best to pry Daryl off of Nicholas. Deanna had started to yell at her son, or..maybe at all of them, Nate wasn't sure.

"Let's not do this now." Rick said in Daryl's ear. Nate's gaze wandered back to Jasper next to him, quietly begging him to do the same and Jasper finally took himself out of Nate's hold and began to walk off in the other direction.

"Whoa, Jas-come on!" Nate had tried to call and then he sighed, letting him go and then looked back to see that Daryl had let go of Nicholas. Nate rolled his eyes and his gaze found Daryl's back, who was still pacing with Rick doing his best to hold him off. Deanna seemed pretty horrified by his behavior and Nate grimaced.

"Daryl." He says hurriedly, with warning and Daryl finally stopped glaring at Nicholas and glanced back at him. He took two steps backwards and Nate felt a surge of relief as he calmed down. Daryl brushed some of his hair out of his face.

"I want everyone to hear me," Deanna began to say. "Rick and his people are apart of our community now. In all ways. As equals. Understood?" She threw a glare back at her son, who's shoulders were rising angrily with each breath he took.

"Understood." Aiden replied, glancing back up at Glenn. Nate shook his head and crossed his arms. He could feel Daryl hovering by his shoulder, which he didn't mind.

"All of you turn in your weapons. Then you two come talk to me." She had said, the two boys walked off and so the other Alexandrians dispersed. Nate noticed that Jessie had lingered a bit longer than everyone else, but she finally left too. Deanna turned to Rick.

"I told you I had a job for you. I'd like you to be our constable. That's what you were, that's what you are." She turned to Michonne. "And you too. Will you accept?"

"Okay." Rick nodded. The instance made Daryl scoff and he finally turned around and walked away. Nate watched him go and turned back to face Rick once he was too far away. "Thank you for your help back there." He told Nate, who immediately shrugged his shoulders and looked away.

"It was nothing." He replied, knowing that it probably could've ended up a lot worse if he hadn't been there to hold Jasper back. Maybe Tara and Noah could've handled him but he didn't think they could handle Jasper and Glenn at the same time and Rick clearly didn't have Daryl under any sort of control.

"Hey..I'll catch up with you later, there's something I need to do." He ends up telling them, he turns his back to Rick, Carl and Michonne and they watch him leave.

"Um, alright. See you later." Carl says and they part ways. Nate starts to pick up his pace, if he plays his cards right he might be able to find his friend in time but instead of finding Jasper, he found Alice standing on a porch talking to some girl. They both turn as they notice him staring.

"Nate." Alice says politely and Nate waved.

"Hey." He greets awkwardly. She glanced back at the girl and said something he didn't hear. She steps off the porch and they start to walk together.

"So..I wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I haven't been the best boyfriend lately." He rubs at the back of his neck and she lets out a sigh.

"You don't need to apologize. It's me who should apologize. I wasn't very nice to you when we were..out there." He glances over at her and sucks in a slow breath. She'd been staring at the fences, he doesn't think that she's been outside the gates since they've been stuck here either.

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