The Suicide King

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Kill them, kill them, kill them

The Governor kept circling them and Nate kept tracking his every move. He could hear Daryl's shallow breathing next to him. It kind of scared him, he's never seen Daryl act like this before. The other man was usually either calm or a hot-head but he's never been like this.

"How's your arm?" Daryl whispered, Nate glanced over at him. He was standing between the Dixon brothers now and then went back to watching the governor. Nate did not like this man.

"Fine. They fixed it, I think." He tried rolling his shoulder but it was still a bit sore from the stitches. He still felt a bit dazed too but it was probably from whatever drugs they pumped into him to keep him asleep while they sewed up his arm. Nate swayed to the side every once in a while, trying his best to focus on not tripping over his own two feet. The blonde woman from earlier came bursting through the crowd and one of the men grabbed her and held her arms behind her back.

"Let them go. Phillip." She said, Who the fuck is Phillip? She was obviously talking to the governor. Oh, so maybe the monster had a normal name after all.  "He's my friend!" Okay, so that confirmed it. He looked back at Daryl who had been staring at the girl too.

"It's not up to me anymore." The Governor said to her. "The people have spoken." He raised his hand towards Merle. "I asked you where your loyalties lie. You said here. Well, prove it." Daryl was untied and shrugged his vest back on from where it had fallen half way off his shoulder but Nate didn't understand what was happening.

"What does that mean? What the fuck does that mean?" He asked fearfully, throwing a look towards Merle who still had that dumbass blank look on his face. The crowd quieted down to hear the governor speak.

"Prove it to us all. Brother against brother." One of the men pulled Nate back to where the blonde woman was and he tried to fight them off but the man just put one of his beefy hands on the part where his neck and shoulder connected to keep him in place and brought him to the side where the other woman was being held.

"Wait, no wait!" Nate yelled, squirming in the man's arms, hoping that since one hand was on the back of Nate's wrists that he might be able to get free but he just felt more pressure on the side of his neck again. He flinched at the touch. "Daryl, Daryl!" But Daryl didn't look at him again and just had his eyes on his brother.

"Winner goes free. Fight to the death!"

"Don't do this. Please, don't do this." The other woman begged. Nate's eyes widened and he struggled more in the guards arms. He froze the second Merle began kicking Daryl and started speaking to the crowd.

"Stop it, leave him alone!" Nate shouted, he heard the groans of a walker then and looked around and saw them dragging walkers into the fight. Shit, shit, shit.

"I'm gonna get you out of here, I promise." The woman said to him, he looked back at her with terrified eyes. Daryl stood back up and tried to tackle Merle but it was no use, Merle just threw him back to the ground. Nate couldn't hear what they were saying to each other but Merle pulled Daryl back up and then they were back to back, facing the walkers. They pushed and kicked at the walkers surrounding them.

"Stop this, Phillip, stop this!" She shouted again. A walker went down then, by a gunshot and people started screaming. Nate was still in the guard's arms and he tried to pull Nate back and he struggled to break free but then another shot rang out, the guard had been hit in the neck, causing blood to be splattered onto Nate's face and Nate fell to the ground with him but he just picked himself back up and he turned around to look for anyone familiar. Another one of the governor's people dropped a few feet away from him. He looked in the direction he thought the shots were coming from and saw Rick and Maggie by a dumpster and ran over to them. Rick cut his zip ties, and handed him a gun.

BLACK OUT DAYS | THE WALKING DEADOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora