Name Tag

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"Wasted?" Jisoo looking at Jennie.

Jennie is still on her Pajamas and didn't even bother to brush her hair. "My head hurts, maybe because of hang over" I said instead of saying that i cannot sleep last night.

"Ok, sit here, ill make a coffee for you."

Jennie nodded "Wheres Lisa and Rose?" I asks, then I remember what I did last night, what will I do if I see Lisa.

"They are still in their room, maybe watching on their laptops... Ahh wait here they are" Jisoo looking at the two just came out their room.

Lisa and Rose in unison. ""Good morning Unnies"

"Good morning" Jisoo greeted back.

"Morning..." Jennie say on her low voice **I look at Lisa, and our eyes met.. she awkwardly smile at me, then i look at Jisoo who is now serving my coffee**

"Im hungry!" Rose as she touching her belly

"What do you want to eat?" Jisoo asking Rose

Rose eyes brighten "You will cook for me? Yey!! Let me help you" then follow Jisoo to the kitchen area.

Lisa sit beside jennie, while still looking at Jisoo and Rose in the kitchen. "Ahm Jennie Unnie, about last night.. as you have said..." Lisa said without looking at Jennie "Lets just forget about it."

Jennie about to sip on her coffee, suddenly stop and look at Lisa **i dont know why deep inside me dont like that idea.. on the first place it was my idea to forget about the kissing** "Yeah we must forget it, just keep it in ourselves" I said but my mind was denying.

Lisa look down no intention to face Jennies eyes. "Im sorry if im troubling you again" she seriously said.

"It not your fault. Its mine" i said to Lisa "Im sorry Lisa, dont worry it wont happen again." I added then they become quiet for a moment.

Jisoo from the kitchen shouted "Jennie why dont you invite Lisa in your place this coming weekend."

"Ah, yes Lisa do you want to stay the weekend in my place.. my dad will be happy to see you." I happily ask Lisa.

Lisa smiled and replied with a sad voice "Im sorry Unnie, Rose and I will be out on Weekend"

Rose shout from the kitchen "Yeah.. Lisa will date me Unnie"

"Ok" I just say sadly **why Im feeling hurt?, Lisa was rejecting my offer.**

"Maybe next time Unnie" i said when i see a little sadness on jennie's eyes

Time skip

Lisa and Roses Room

"Can i come in?" Jennie ask Lisa, **Rose just go out with Jisoo to buy something and here i am trying my luck to convince Lisa to spend weekends with me**

Lisa put her cellphone on the side table "Yeah sure!" Lisa look at Jennie.

"About this coming weekends, my dad will leave the country by next week and he really want to invite you for dinner, hmm... Lisa can you postpone your date with Rose? Just this one.. promise ill pay you big time" Jennie said **it is true that my Dad invited Lisa, but the main reason why im doing this is because, I dont like the idea of Lisa will be dating Rose**

"But..." Lisa dont know what to say. **I dont know why I suddenly  feel like Jennie are so friendly with me.. what's the matter? Did she really misses me that much**

"Please Lisa"

Lisa sigh "I will tell Rose first, if she will agree, then its ok"

Jennie smile "Thank you" **suddenly the bear on the bed caught my attention, there's a name tag written** "Jennie Bear??, Is that me!?" I said looking at the bear.

Lisa look at the bear, "oh my god.. the tag!" **i smiled shyly at Jennie then hide the bear at my back** "It's nothing, its just a tag"

"You given that bear, my name?" **Trying to get the bear on Lisa**

"Hey hey," **Hold the bear tightly, so jennie wont get it** "Its my bear.. i will change the tag if you want ok.."

"I gave you that bear... do i look like a bear to you? Do i look like that chubby bear?" Jennie with a playful voice. **Im actually happy to see my name on Lisa's belongings.. i just want to tease her a little**

"No its not that you look like a bear.. your scarier than my bear" Lisa said **i hug the bear now, jennie contineously harassing me to see the tag, is she really curious?,**

Jennie eyes widen "What? Scarier"? Let me see it.. im prettier than that." **Lisa is now rolling in the bed while i still doing everything to get the bear**

"Stop it.. no" Lisa shouted when jennie started touching my belly.. *i laugh out loud but still hugging the bear.*

Jennie smiled and continue tickling Lisa, the bed was totally mess now "Give me the bear Lili"

"Jennie stop.." Lisa cant help it anymore or she will die at laughing so hard. "I said stop it," **i drop the bear, and in one move im on top of Jennie now** "Ok wait let me breath..hmm.. Jennie bear is my bed partner... you know that i cannot sleep easily.. but because of Jennie bear hugs,  i can sleep early now." I said still panting

Jennie fast breathing, **Lisa is so closed and on top of me, i can feel her breathing heavily, i smell her fresh breath and her soft hair was touching my face.**  "I just want to see the t-tag." **I stutter, our position now is uncomfortable**

Lisa looking at Jennie now, **she really is so beautiful, my vacation time to move on has nothing to do with my feelings.. i still love her, but what i learned for a week of being alone, is to control my emotion.. but can i control it, if she was one inch apart from me** Lisa swallow back finding her tongue to speak. "Can i kiss you Jennie?" I ask for permission, but i wont take 'no' as an answer.

Jennie looking at Lisa's eyes, **I can see shes on fire now, is she asking me? How can i say no? Instead of answering i put my hands on her shoulder and press her nape to kiss me**

Lisa kiss jennie hungrily, i push my body to her body.. im really hot right now** "jennie? Hmm" **i said as if asking for approval then move my hands to her lower waist, touching her belly, I wait for her body to respond then continue wander my hands when she didn't try to stop me**

"Ohh Lisa" **as i feel Lisa touching my body, she still kissing me but making pleasure at my body**

"Jennie?" Lisa's eyes are burning with sensation **I stop kissing her and look deeply on her eyes.. then my hands now under her shirt playing with her breast, i just want to see if she will say no after i touch her breast**

Jennie move her body in pleasure as she felt Lisa's warm hands on her. "Oh my god, Lisa" **i feel the sensation, I feel Lisa's moving kisses down my neck.. im still with my shirt on wtf, I dont want it to stop, I dont care what will happen to us after this, all that matter now is Lisa giving me this kind of sensation**

Lisa pull up Jennie's shirt, as her kisses travel down to Jennie's breast. "You're so beautiful" Lisa said looking up again at Jennie's eyes "I want you now Jen!" She stare at Jennie with longing in her eyes as she again pull up Jennies shirt

"Lisa wait Let me.." **i stop Lisa, and sit, so i can pull out my shirt.. but suddenly, noises make me stop and look at the door**

"What the Fuck!! they are home now" Lisa got nervous **I fix jennies hair, get the bear and handed it to Jennie, i stand apart as if nothing happen, but im dying right now with my burning sensation**

Jennie see Lisa's quick reaction, I fix the bed and also fix myself as if nothing happened **believable huh, i hug the bear that she gave and try to get off the bed, but..** "Ahhh.." **i outbalanced my self**

"Hey!!!" Lisa hurriedly run **Im trying to catch Jennie, but i also fall on the floor with Jennie** "Ouch" as my back hits the floor.

Jisoo from outside the room hurriedly open the door, when she heard noises. "What happen?" **See Lisa on the floor and Jennie on the top**

"Oh my gosh!! What are you two doing?!" Rose Shocks, then cover her eyes with malice.

"I outbalance myself" Jennie alibi, smirk at Lisa, then whisper "They didn't catch us doing that, but they did catch us doing this**

Lisa smiles "Just be thankful, atleast they didn't catch us both naked" **murmuring to jennies ear**

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