Used and abused

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Jennie POV

Answering Phone Call

"Are you out of your mind? Why are you calling me?" Im pissed right now

"I will wait at the park" Kai said

"No lets cancel our date, maybe next week.." I said

"Babe, im out next week.. Look if you finish there, just message me i just miss you a lot please.." Kai saying with pleasing voice "I will wait for you" he added

"Haist, ok ok just go home if you are tired of waiting" I know he will never accept No as an answer. So i give up

"Ok, i just play around.. dont forget to message me. Bye" Kai hang up

Time skip

"Wheres Dad?" Jennie ask after returning to table

"He is talking with someone on the phone. Kai called you what's the matter?" Lisa asks.

"Huh?" *So Lisa see that Kai is calling* "Nothing" Jennie answered

Mr Kim approach them "Girls lets eat now, after this i need to go somewhere.. i have important meetings to attend later."

They were still eating, when Jennies Dad say goodbye.

"Its reall important, im sorry girls" Mr Kim say looking to both Jennie and Lisa

"Bye Uncle, Nice meeting you" Lisa say with a smile

"Uncle??" Jennie glance at Lisa

"I told her to call me Uncle it is way better than calling me Sir" Mr. Kim say

"You know what Jennie, your Dad is cooler than you." Lisa say teasing Jennie

"Oh i just leave for a minute and then you two get along well huh." Jennie pouting

Lisa smile on Jennie "Are you jealous??"

Mr Kim smile at them "Jennie baby, Dont get Jealous you're still no. 1 in my heart, But Lisa is Cooler than you Baby.

"Dad!!!" Jennie growl as if having Tantrums, but happy seeing her Dads mood, *He's nice with Lisa and even he is joking lol*

Lisa laugh hard "I told you, you dont look cool." I look to jennies Dad "Thank you Uncle lets meet again some other time"

"Ok, i should go now" Mr Kim say, then leave the two.

Time skip

"Ah Lisa, i need to go somewhere, just continue eating  i will be back Asap" Jennie said as she received another message from Kai

Lisa look at Jennie's eye "Its Kai right?" **I know it, when Jennie open her phone i know shes sending message to Kai, im really sad right now but need to hide what im feeling right now**

Jennie  look at Lisa her voice is shaky, i felt guilty for using her today and meeting my Dad, "Ok sorry, lets eat.. after this do you want to watch some movies?"

"No its ok, meet Kai now" i smiled at Jennie "Dont worry about me."

"Are you sure?"

*I wanted to tell Jennie im not sure* but i replied "Yeah sure" and smile to her

"Ok i will call you later, we will go home together ok?" Jennie look at the two paper bags on the side  "Dont forget that two teddy's"

Lisa was still smiling but deep inside she is bleeding "Ok"

Time skip

11:00 pm

Jennies phone ringing

"Oh my god, i forgot Lisa" *I answer the phone * "Hello Lisa?"

"I will go home now," Lisa serious tone, *i really felt bad.. i've waited for 3 hours and Jennie didn't seem to remember to message or call me*

Jennie panic "Lisa im sorry, wait ill be there in a minute."

"No need, just enjoy your date.. The mall will be closed in a minute, im walking right now..." Lisa voice was in pain, she waited at the Resto for 2 hours then the staff tell her they are closing, I still wait for Jennie's call outside the Resto hoping she might come back. But seems like she forgotten me. Until the guard told me that the mall will close and i need to go out.. Its a shame i was being kicked out, It looks like i was dumped on a date.

"Lets go home together. lets meet outside" Jennie say *I really felt bad for Lisa, its all my fault I enjoy talking with Kai and forget about the time*

"I said its ok, I can go home.. Just enjoy ok!!" *I said it angrily?? Wtf.. im messing again, i want to cry, i end the call and continue walking.. im an idiot carrying this 2 paper bags for Jennie i should have thrown it away, but i cant*

Jennie panic *Lisa shout on me?* "Kai i need to go home now"

"Why? Its still early" Kai disagree

"I told you about Lisa right, shes waiting for me" Jennie explained

Kai greeted his teeth "Oh yeah, my girlfriend is choosing a friend over me."

Jennie look at Kai seriously  "Cant you understand? Because of Lisa you ended up not meeting my Dad."

Kai raise his hand "Ok ok, where she is?"

"I dont know, she called telling me shes going home now."

"See?, Shes giving you a favor" Kai say

"Im really tired, lets go home now." Jennie alibi *but im not tired i just want to see Lisa and explain everything, wtf am i going to explain?*

"Ok i drive you home babe," Kai grabbed Jennies hand and they walk along holding hands

Time Skip

Parking Lot

Lisa crossing a path with Jennie and Kai, she wanted to hide but its too late when Jennie see her

"Lisa?!" Jennie shout **i see Lisa, shes holding 2 paper bags and stop when she see me and Kai**

"Jennie.." Lisa almost whisper, **I look how they hold each others hand, it is killing me inside**

"What's with that stuff??" Kai laugh at the two paper bag Lisa's holding.

Jennie notice Lisa's eye on their holding hands, she is jealous..i know that she have feelings for me and seeing me with another person may hurt her, "Lets go home Lisa" I say let go of Kai hands taht holding me.

"Lets go Lisa, hop in" Kai say opening his car now

"No thanks, i have my car" Lisa serious tone, and i started walking towards her car

"Hey are you mad?" Jennie approach Lisa "Come on Lisa."

Lisa look at Jennie, her eyes are getting red but still, she's holding not to cry,  *I want to say all the bullshit i feel, but i keep it, i dont want to look stupid in front of her and Kai* "Go with your boyfriend." I said

"Lisa Please.." *i see Lisa's pain in her eyes, i hate myself for hurting her** "Lets go home together."

Lisa put the 2 paper bags on the ground and get in the car, ignoring Jennie "Bye.." I said, and start driving, *I want to drive fast so i cant see her, i want to drive fast so i cant cry hard*

Time Skip


As soon as Jennie arrive, she rush to Lisa's Room

"Lisa? Still awake?" Jennie knocked then push the knob and it was locked inside, *Lisa was really mad at me, I want to explain, but how?* "Lisa im sorry for what happened. Lets talk please." but still no reply on Lisa, i stay a minute standing infront of her room, at the end i decided to go to my room and rest maybe tomorrow we will talk

Lisa on her room, crying silently.

I was ignoring Jennies outside, "What the use of talking now," I whisper, *I feel dumped without Jennie knowing it.. i need to control my self right now so i wont get hurt like this, I need to stop my feelings for her*

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