Special bond

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One thing after the next, Shanel felt the cold breeze touch her skin and when she looked down, her night gown wasn't on her. She was only with her underwear. She was utterly shocked with his speed.

From her lips, he went to her face , from her face, he went to her neck, making her moan softly from her nerves being tickled. From her neck, he was about to unhook her bra but Shanel stopped him.

He stared down at her confused

"Babe?" Was she not interested anymore

Shanel didn't respond but simply  got his shirt and trousers off, leaving him with his briefs. Robaire was relieved and Shanel smiled

"You can conti-" Robaire cut her short by sealing her mouth with his once more.

While he was busy kissing her, his hands were busy looking for the hook of her bra. When he got it off, he flung it aside.

Shanel covered herself feeling self conscious. Robaire had never seen her naked before

"Hey...its just me, no need to be shy" Robaire soothingly told her

She reluctantly removed her hands from her chest and  Robaire stared at her them deeply with much lust evident in his eyes. Shanel almost shrunk from his intense gaze.

"They are beautiful" He remarked then proceeded to holding one of them in his hands. It felt so warm and fit perfectly

She moaned softly, her eyes closed when he touched her and arched her back due to his playfullness on her mammalian gland. He sucked, licked and flicked when he could. She was so thankful for her dark skin tone, for the amount of redness that could have shown on her body would have been embarrassing

The feeling was new and beautiful. And most of all she was sharing it with someone special.

After Robaire was done pleasuring her body, he finally got down into business.

Shanel's face twisted from the pain and she let out a whimper when Robaire tried to break pass her barrier. She dug her nails into his back and shut her eyes tight. This was the moment she feared most.


Robaire noticed her discomfort and even though she also gave him pains by digging her nails into his flesh he didn't mind. It couldn't compare to what she felt that moment. He could understand, for he himself had some difficulty penetrating her.

Trying to soothe her, he kissed her forehead while trying to fully penetrate her. When he had done so, he saw her relax and let out deep breathes as if to calm down

"Are you okay?" He wanted to know if she was comfortable

"Hmm" Shanel nodded still breathing heavily

"I'm going to start moving okay, Just tell me if you feel uncomfortable so I'll stop, hmm?" He whispered soothingly

She was still panting but its intensity had reduced.

"There won't be need for that" Shanel cupped his face, and sealed his lips with a kiss

Robaire then lowered his head down and whispered into her ears sultrily

"You're so warm" then he started moving


Shanel could feel her blood quickly rush in her veins. He was making her feel all sorts of emotions at once.


Her momentary soft moans put him on cloud nine and only fueled his libido further. Her tightness below almost ran him mad with excitement.


Shanel on the other hand was so primitive to new experience. It was beautiful. Her legs were still wrapped around him as she urged him to increase his pace with the pleasure masking her pain.

"I love you" she whispered to him, eyes hazy from the pleasure he was delivering to her

"I love you" he whispered back


They spent the rest of the night going rounds of rhythmic and new found pleasure, tiring each other out before nodding off.


The next morning, Shanel woke up first and found herself cuddled in Robaire's arms but this time.....naked. Heat crept all over her face as the moments of the previous night replayed in her head. She had finally given him what he deserved and coming to think of it, the first time was painful, yes but not as painful as she imagined.


Robaire woke up and saw Shanel cheekily smiling to her self and he guessed what she was must have been thinking about

"And what must you be thinking about about" Robaire teased

Shanel stared at him smiling "Good morning love" she greeted

Robaire rubbed her bare back soothingly

"Good morning babe. did you sleep well" He leaned down and kissed her forehead

Shanel nodded "Like a dream, what about you?"

"I've never slept better"

They shared a comfortable silence, enjoying the warmth from each other's body

A bit nervous, Shanel said meekly"Last night was beautiful"

Robaire turned to look at her, eyes filled with warmth "It really was, I've never felt so special" he traced circles on her back

The environment grew quiet once more.

"So are we going to stay in bed all day?"

"As tempting as that sounds, we are going to have to get up at some point" sitting up, he urged her "Come on, let's go have our bathe"

"Fine only because you asked" she pouted playfully and got out of the sheets. Walking naked by him, she felt so shy. She limped going with him to the bathroom causing Robaire to chuckle while she shot a playful glare his way.

Both of them stood under the shower, the water falling on their bodies.

Shanel stared up meekly at Robaire. It was a new experience and an exciting one at that. She saw Robaire look back to take the sponge, squirted some soap unto it before turning back to wash her.

She had her hands up to his chest while he gently washed her. She bit her lips nervously, staring only above his chest, not wanting her eyes to trail else where. Soaking in the tub would have been preferable.


Even when she did nothing, she still looked alluring. What was he thinking bathing with her? He couldn't keep calm at all. As Robaire gently scrubbed her body, he ran mad within,  summoning all his will power to prevent him from doing something

When he could no longer withhold himself, he switched off the shower

after it washed down the soap on both of them


"Is..... something wrong" Shanel asked, seeing him breathing heavily. He slowly descended his head and kissed her lips while cornering her to the wall. She responded to it, eyes closed with her palms placed on his chest

Lifting her up, he wrapped her legs round his waist then pinned her to the wall. Shanel's eyes widened in surprise. Everything happened so fast


Robaire didn't give her a chance to finish calling him out and quickly sealed her mouth with his.

The events quickly switched from a bathing session to a love making session


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