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Shanel sat on the bed in tears, frustrated. Not knowing what to do, she quickly called her friend Michelle, who didn't waste time in picking the call.

"He's not talking to me Mich" She said in tears

"Calm down hun. What happened"

"He finally got unto me and my dodging, now he's pissed" Shanel explained

"Well to be honest, I would've done same if I were him" Michelle said

"You're not helping the situation Mich" Shanel said slightly annoyed

"What? I'm only saying the truth. But wait, this girl, two weeks since you're marriage and you haven't made love to your hubby"

"But I'm scared"

"Scared of what now? Michelle asked frustrated

"The pain, I'm honestly scared Mich"

"Shan get rid of whatever you have heard people say. It is not as painful as you think, the pain's momentary. You're not the first who's going to experience this and will certainly not be the last. Robaire married you and its his conjugal right to make love to you or do you want him to collect it else where?

"No, God forbid it" Shanel deeply refused

"God forbid what? This thing called "konji" (slang for sexual urge or being horny), when it reaches its peak, it reasons for you. Its might happen if you don't act now. Shanel don't starve that guy for too long. Any other guy would have cheated by now so give him what he waited for"

"But..." Michelle cut in

"No buts Shanel. I'm going to come later in the afternoon with some lingerie cause its happening this night whether you like or not"

"He's still mad at me though"

"Forget that thing, all his coldness will disappear after he sees you"

"Are you sure "

"Don't you trust me again"

"I do"

"Good, so just wait for me to come with the lingerie, capiche?

"Yeah, I'll be waiting"

"Good, dry your eyes"

Later that day, Michelle came as promised with the "goodies". Shanel took her to the room to unpack the stuff. As every piece came out from the box, Shanel could feel her face getting hot in embarrassment.

"How do you expect me to wear this" Shanel asked in shock

"The way it is to be worn" Michelle answered unpacking some more

Picking up a piece, Shanel couldn't stop blushing at the sight.

"Is this supposed to be clothing, cause all I see is a rope sewn to another rope"

"That's the essence, you're supposed to look tempting"

Shanel dropped the piece down and started sulking. Michelle noticed this and shifted her focus from the lingeries to her friend. With her hand on Shanel's back, she comforted her

"Everything's fine, no need to feel nervous or bad"

"Robaire doesn't deserve this, I'm being too selfish" Shanel supported her head with her hand

"That's why you are going to work hard in giving him that best tonight right" Michelle encouraged

"Yes" Shanel shyly nodded

"OK then, let's get to work.  Good, go and try this one on and show me"

Shanel woke up and ran away in an attempt to dodge from wearing it. Michelle followed her up and down with it. They had a run and chase until Shanel was caught and finally 'clothed'


Shanel sat on the edge of the bed, wrapped in a white bathrobe, her eyes nervously fixed on the door, She waited patiently for him to burst through the door so she could kiss him senselessly. The room was dimly lit, casting a soft glow around her. She had been dreading this moment, but the misunderstanding with Robaire earlier had pushed her to confront her fears. With a nervous exhale, she brought the robe she wore closer to her skin to shed against the cold of the night.


Robaire, walked back to their room, from his brain racking and decision making. He stopped abruptly when he saw Shanel with a robe sitting at the edge of the bed, his eyes melting into confusion and concern. He walked over to her, his steps slow and deliberate.

“Shanel…” His voice was a mixture of surprise and tenderness.

Shanel looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “I’m sorry, babe. I’m so sorry.”

Without another word, he sat down beside her and pulled her into a deep kiss, his lips conveying both his frustration and his love. Shanel responded hesitantly at first, but then with growing passion. She grabbed his shirt by his sides while they savoured each others lips. As they pulled apart, she started to untie her robe.

“Wait.” Robaire’s hands gently stopped hers. "I know what you want to do but...don't. Not like this.”

“But I’ve been holding you back. You deserve more than this…” Shanel’s voice trembled, her eyes downcast.

Robaire cupped her face in his hands, lifting her gaze to meet his. “What I deserve is you, whenever you’re ready. It won't be easy but I'm not going to be the bastard who ignores your feelings just to satisfy his own needs. I'll wait okay, until you're ready. I want this to happen mutually and please don't think I'm in only for turning sheets with you. I married you for love, companionship and craziness. If anything, 'that' should be a spice”

Shanel’s heart swelled with relief and love. She leaned into his touch, whispering, “I love you, Robaire.”

“I love you too,” he replied, his voice soft and sincere.

He sat her on his lap, wrapping his arms around her protectively. The warmth of his embrace calmed her racing heart. “Have you been through something traumatic?” he asked gently. “Is that why you’re so scared?”

Shanel shook her head. “No, it’s just… the stories I’ve heard. About how painful the first time can be- I know it sounds so stupid.”

“It’s not stupid,” Robaire said firmly. “Everyone handles things differently. Your feelings are valid.”

She looked into his eyes, finding strength in his unwavering support. “I promise, you won’t have to wait much longer.”

Robaire smiled, a playful glint in his eyes. “I’ll hold you to that promise.” He feigned a pressed expression, making her giggle.

“I mean it,” Shanel said, her laughter fading into a serious tone. “Thank you for being so patient with me.”

“I’d wait forever for you,” Robaire whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead.

"Was I really that frustrating?" She asked

With a laugh, he responded "Of course you were." his laugh later died down and he said "Why don't we go bed but first, " he looked down to her chest intensely before staring back to her eyes. She finally got the message when he smirked, hence she quickly rushed to the closet and changed.

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