From the corner of my eye, I saw Kai watching me carefully. It was as if he couldn't figure me out.

I was one person at school and a completely different one at home.

I pulled a slightly oversized long sleeved grey shirt over Soojin's head.

"Peek-a-boo," I said as her head reappeared.

She smiled as a small giggle escaped we lips and I gently got her tiny arms through the sleeves. I found a pair of grey socks and put them on her tiny feet.

It happened to be a little chilly in the house.

I picked up a freshly dressed Soojin and held her up to my face. She smiled at me. "You spat up on the dress on purpose," I decided with a smile.

I heard Kai chuckle quietly.

I headed for the door, but stopped and turned to Kai who was close behind.

He took a couple steps back at my sudden halt.

"You know," I said softly. "You don't have to be afraid to talk around me."

His eyes searched mine briefly, before they looked down at his shoes. That's when I noticed he wasn't wearing the same thing as he was at school.

He was wearing a nice dark grey button-up and black skinny jeans with his converse. His glasses still hid his beautiful hazel eyes and his curls were stylishly tousled.

God, he was really cute.

I snapped out of it and turned around. I could feel a blush heat up my cheeks as I walked down the stairs.

I entered the kitchen where the three adults were talking.

"All clean!" I said grinning.

All three pairs of eyes rested on me and then Soojin.

"Such a cutie," Mrs Chung complimented. "How old is she?"

"Five and half months," Eooma said.

Suddenly, Soojin stared getting a little fussy.

"Soojinnie," I cooed as I went to the fridge.

I grabbed a bottle already made up and put it in the microwave for a few seconds as she continued to cry. Pulling it out, I squirted some of the liquid on my wrist to make sure it wasn't to hot.


I put the nipple of the bottle in her mouth and she quickly quieted down and ate.

"Dinner is done," Eomma said.

We all sat down at the dinner table.

"Honey, do you want me to take her?" Appa asked me.

I shook my head and filled my plate up with food.

Appa sat at the head of the table, I sat next to Kai with his mother across from him and mine across from me.

I pulled my leg up on the chair so I could rest my arm that was holding Soojin.

She lay in my lap perfectly, and I used the same hand to hold her bottle for her, and used my free hand to eat.

Mrs Chung and my parents talked easily and Kai and I sat in silence.

Half way through dinner, Soojin fell asleep, so I set her bottle down on the table and sat there quietly and ate. About at the same time, my parents started asking Kai questions.

"So, Kai, what do you like to do?" Eomma asked.

Kai tensed beside me and Mrs Chung gave him a slight nod.

Kai cleared his throat and spoke.

"I li-like t-t-to sing, p-p-play the drums, and r-r-read," He stuttered out.

My heart went out to him for the second time today. My parents sat there patiently the whole time. Mrs Chung must have told them about his stuttering, because they didn't look surprised.

"How has Seoul treated you so far?" Appa asked.

Kai hesitated for a moment.

"F-f-fine, sir," He said softly.

Appa started laughing and Kai shrunk back slightly, probably thinking he was laughing at him.

"Oh, please don't call me 'sir,' Appa said. "It makes me feel old."

Kai looked back up and smiled lightly.

Eomma and Appa asked Kai a few more questions throughout dinner. I could tell Kai was getting frustrated with himself for not being able to talk without a stutter, but my parents sat there patiently waiting for him finish. They never once looked irritated, or cut him off, or made him feel like there was something wrong with him.

That was just how my parents were. They were good people, always supporting everyone, always being nice, and never making a mean comment towards others. They're the reasons why I am who I am.

They taught me not to mean to others, that you never know what's going on in their life, that I shouldn't make it worse for them by being mean.

I knew they would be so disappointed with me if they saw who I was considering my "friends." I mentally cringed at the thought of what they would say about it.

"Who's ready for dessert?" Eomma asked.

We all nodded and got up to clean up our dishes. I went to grab mine, but Kai pushed my hand back and took mine, offering me a shy smile. I smiled back and let him take my plate.

I sat there and looked down at my sleeping sister who looked so peaceful. I could tell she was going to be so much like me. She already kind of is.

A plate was set down in front of me and I looked over to see Kai sitting down with his own plate.

"Thanks, I said.

He nodded his head.

After dessert Mrs Chung said they better get going.

Eomma and Appa led the way to the front door while Kai and I walked behind.

While our parents talked, I saw the little table we kept by the door with a notepad. I went over to it and wrote down my number while trying not to drop Soojin.

Ripping the small page off, I handed to Kai. He gave me a questioning look,

"If you ever need anything or just want some company, or anything," I said. "Just call or text me, doesn't matter if its night or day. My phone is always on me."

He looked at me like I was crazy.

"I know what it's like to be new to town and new to school." I added. "I know you're confused because of how I am at school and then the way lam here at home, but I'm not the enemy, Kai, never will be."

With that I turned around and went to say bye to his mother. I looked over my shoulder to see him stare at the paper with my number for a moment longer before putting it on his pocket.

"It was nice to meet you," Mrs Chung said to me.

I gave her a warm smile and she gave me an awkward hug since I was holding a sleeping Soojin.

"Bye," Eomma, Appa, and I chorused as Mrs Chung and Kai left.

Stutter ||Huening Kai✔️Where stories live. Discover now