Father name : Silver Fullbuster

Mother name : Layla Heartfilia

Relative : None

Hair : Blonde

Eye : Hazel brown

Height : 159 cm

Status : 104th of cadet

Strength : 100/10

Speed :100/10

Titan kill : 100/100 in 5 minutes 30 seconds (Change time whenever training and this is her last record)

Calmness : 9/10

Teamwork : 8/10

Leadership : 9.5/10

Cleanesss : 100/10

Intelligence : 10/10

Note : She was the most strongest cadet from other cadets. She was good in observation and analyzing situation before make her own decision. She also not fear to speak by defend the others. She only cold to a few people like Jean, Reiner and Belthodt. She not good with three of them and sometimes she defeat them by her own style. Mark my word. Her styles were dangerous. Don't challenge her or you will get injured like she done to Jean who seem stubborn. She had teach him a lesson and in the end, Jean get hurt. She get punishment. She not fond to follow orders from superiors except someone that can give her a reason to respect. She will not give up to fight.

Branch chosen : Survey corps

Father occupation : Captain of survey corps

Death dead : 18/09/840

Reason death : Help his wife to save his comrades from titans

Mother occupation : Commader of survey corps

Death date : 18/09/840

Reason death : Being a bait to save her comrades from titans


After reading your report, Hange, Erwin and Mike were seem shocking to find out about your parents. This make Levi and his squad shocked to see Erwin, Hange and Mike crying in unexpected situation. Levi had no clue why they crying after reading of your report. Levi can't even speak as he silent watching them. Hange had fall down on the ground as she close her mouth with her hand as she silently crying. Mike was sit down with a shaking leg as he close his eyes with his hand. Same as Hange, he was silently crying. Erwin just looking down as a tear sliding down on his cheek. He can't believe that you're a daughter of their dead commander and captain which be Layla and Silver. Erwin seem glad to meet Silver and Layla's daughter which be you.

Hange had wipe her tear with a smile on her face. "I can't believe that we meet their daughter, Erwin. I'm just can't believe it. It seem like we have hope to save humanity with having her in our side, Erwin." Said Hange as she calmed down from crying. Mike also wipe his tear and let a little smile on his face as he nodded his head agree with Hange. Erwin had chuckle a little when he wipe his tear too. "Yeah, that's right. I... I can't believe that Lucy... She's their daughter. Finally, I meet her after 10 years they died. Oh, commander Layla, Captain Silver. I had meet your daughter after 10 years since your death. Just like what you tell me before, we finally found hope once again. Thank you, Commander Layla, Captain Silver. I will take care of your daughter very well." Said Erwin with a smile on his face.

Hange seem more happy than before after found out about your parents. Levi was wondering about who your parents except his squad who already heard about Commander Layla and Captain Silver. Hange had caught Levi who seem clueless about your parents. "I see that you want to know about Commander Layla and Captain Silver, right? We will tell you who they are and how they so important to me, Erwin and Mike. Commander Layla was our former Commander before Shadis. She was give Shadis as our next commander before her death. And Captain Silver were our captain. He was same as Commander Layla who died in a same day for save us. I mean they're sacrifice their selves to save our comrades. We can't tell much about them but one more thing you need to know. Captain Silver have a same strength as yours, Levi. His speed and his strength really same as yours. That's why, we want you to join us helping humanity. It's not like we want you to replace him, Levi. This is for humanity and freedom." Said Hange which shocking Levi to hear about Silver who have a same strength as him.

Mike chuckle at Hange when talking about Captain Silver."Yeah, she's right. But Hange, you should know that Captain Silver will not matches with Commander Layla. She's a badass commander when come killing titans and also her fighting style so dangerous. I had wonder if Lucy same as her mother. No one can beat Commander Layla. But she also the most kindest commander in our regiment. I really miss that time with Commander Layla and Captain Silver." Said Mike as he think of their memories with their commander and Captain. Erwin just give a sad smile when he remembered about them."Yeah, that's right. I miss that day with them. They're the reason why we continue to fight. We won't give up until we get successful for our humanity and freedom. Just like she said to us before she died. 'Don't give up. Continue fight until you did it. Believe in hope. Because one day, victory will come for you. Humanity will win. Don't losing hope. Fight and go forward. One day, someone will bring hope for you and continue to fight for humanity. Trust me.' That words have give me a courage and continue fight. I believe that day will come. Since she will join us, I believe she will bring hope for us. Just like Layla told us." Said Erwin with a determination on his face. Levi had never saw Erwin's determination like this. Levi can feel that you will bring them a victory. Levi want to see your strength.

'I want to see what can she do. I have a feeling that Lucy may strongest than her parents. I can't wait to see her.' - Levi

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