HermitCraft Incorrect Quotes #2

Start from the beginning


Xisuma: Beef, what are you doing?

Beef: The dishes-

Xisuma: Why Dosen it sounds like someone's getting murdered-?

Beef: This is a bad neighborhood


Scar: Imagine if someone handed you a box of all the things you've lost over the years!

Pearl: Oh, wow! My childhood innocence! Thanks for finding it!

Grian: My will to live! I haven't seen this in over 10 years!

Mumbo: I knew I lost that potential somewhere!

Impulse: Mental stability, My old friend!

Scar: ...Could you guys lighten up a little bit?..

( Im with Impulse and Grian bro, which one are you with? )

Keralis: Do you have any kids?

Xisuma: Biologically, Legally or emotionally-?

Xisuma: There is a difference.


Kidnapper: I have your son.

Xisuma: Oh, Which one?

Kidnapper: Uhh-...short, wears a red jumper, has parrot wings.

Xisuma: Oh! you have Grian!? Damn, Good luck with that, dude

-Grian sticks his tongue out-

Kidnapper: Yeah, I'm actually calling to ask you to come pick him up-

Xisuma: Nah, He's your problem now.

Grian: Hey, wanna hear about how I got in trouble with this Japanese Mafia when I was in Preschool?


-Wels was pulling Hels by his hair-

Xisuma: Okay, time for plan G

Doc: Don't you mean plan B?

Xisuma: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.

Etho: What about plan D?

Xisuma: Plan D was desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.

Wels -Still pulling Hels hair-: What about plan E then?

Xisuma: I'm hoping not to use it. EX dies in plan E

Hels: I like plan E!

-Wels pull Hels back by his hair and throws him on the ground-
( How dare you say that Hels! -EX EX! stop breaking the fourth wall! -Me Nah! -EX -Chases EX away- Sorry about him keep reading! :D )


Ren: I want to wake up with you every day for the rest of our life.

Doc: I wake up at 4AM

Ren: I want to see you at some point, everyday for the rest of our life

-Doc cracks a small smile, and pats Ren on the head behind his ears-


Bdubs: Hey, G... Can you keep a secret? 

Grian: Do you know anything about my life prior to me joining Hermitcraft?

Bdubs: No, I do not. Good point!


-Ex talking to the group mean while Grian and Doc are cuddling on the ground, with Grian looking pale and sick or just cold- (?)

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