Whatever, you were a slave to your impulses, so you started very roughly sketching out what you could remember of Leo's face. Why Leo? You had no idea yourself, he just seemed to be the one you remembered the most, it was probably because of the Pennywise makeup. You stopped the moment you reached the shoulders and decided to leave it as a bust, you struggled drawing normal human proportions, ain't no way you were going to do a fucking human sized turtle justice. You then kept on drawing busts of the remaining 3 of them, all of them extremely rough and sloppy but you couldn't care less, it's not like anyone would ever see it. Speaking of seeing it, you looked up to check how class was going, relieved to see your teacher didn't notice what you were doing. Honestly, it's not like they would care, as long as you didn't actively disturb the class they couldn't give less of a shit about what you did.

You quickly pulled out your phone and checked the time before putting it back in your pocket. This class was almost over, but then again, you sadly still had the rest of the school day ahead of you.


It was finally lunch time! Wow, it felt like it arrived a lot earlier than usual, almost like you had jumped through time! But that was totally impossible, so you got rid of those thoughts and went on to the painfully packed cafeteria. Having to wait half of your lunchtime for one of the worst sandwiches you've ever had always made you consider bringing your own lunch. But then the next day came and all that willpower was out the window.

After getting your shitty and overpriced food, you headed to your usual spot right under the stairs and started to eat in peace, some of your favourite tunes destroying your eardrums from how loud they were playing through your headphones. While absorbed in your own world, you checked your phone, finally seeing a few new text notifications for the first time that day. You quickly opened them up only to realize they were from the Mad Dogs group chat, your cheeks turned slightly red with embarrassment at the memory of the sketches you made of your friends earlier.

̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶ MAD DOGS WOOF WOOF BARK ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶

╰┈➤ {Leo blue balls}: Hi yes, greetings this fine morning my friend.

╰┈➤ {Mickey the scrunkly}: Heya, good morning!

╰┈➤ {The big red Raph}: Good morning [Name]!

╰┈➤ {Machine gun Donnie}: Morning.

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Damn donnie, why so dry? No good morning nor anything?? ✓

╰┈➤ {Machine gun Donnie}: I always say just morning instead of good morning, cause if it were a good morning, I'd be fishing.

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Damn, alright, whatever you say gigachad ✓

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Also, why did you guys take so long to respond? Did you fuckers skip school??? ✓

╰┈➤ {Mickey the scrunkly}: Uh, we're not even in school???

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Wait what ✓


╰┈➤ {Leo blue balls}: Wow, calm your tits, we just dropped out. Also me and Donnie are 19, Mickey's 18 and Ralph is 20

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Oh damn, okay thank god. I have Mickey added as the fucking scrunkly I would've flipped my shit if he was 40. ✓

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Also, how come you all dropped out? Donnie actually seems smart ✓

╰┈➤ {The big red Raph}: It's a long story, we'll tell you some other time.

╰┈➤ {The big red Raph}: Wait...


╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Uhhh ✓

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Oh wow, would you look at the time? I have to be a responsible student and get to class ha ✓

You silently chuckled at the quick conversation, realizing you still had plenty of time and you had finished a little over half of your sandwich, you put on some YouTube to pass the time. You finished eating by the end of the latest Markiplier video, as you were about to click on some more mindless content, you got another text message.

You sighed before opening it, your breath hitching at the contact name being displayed. It wasn't a long message, pretty short and straight forward but knowing her, your hands started to feel way more sweaty than before.

╰┈➤ {Mother}: Did you actually go to school today?

You sighed, of course it was about school, it's not like she talked to you about anything else.

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Yeah, I'm at lunch right now. ✓

╰┈➤ {Mother}: Ok, it better stay that way.

Fucking god, did she have to be so condescending about everything? She only spoke to you about school and grades, and whenever you told her you skipped a day cause you felt like shit she just berated you. You sighed, the way she acted already ruining your mood for the rest of the day. You don't know how she could even dare to call herself your mom, she's barely present in your life and doesn't even pay your dad child support anymore.

You put on some music and turned off your phone before heading to the nearest trash can, ready to throw out the packaging of your sandwich. As you rounded the corner and looked for a trash can you noticed a girl with a yellow dress, green jacket and a pair of black leggings. She seemed to also be by herself, practically burrowed in her phone. You shrugged, you'd never seen her around before but it's not like you knew everyone in this school anyway. Finally finding the trashcan, you threw in your trash and headed back to your spot, ready to sit down when the bell rang. Great, another two hours of disassociating.

With a silent grunt, you headed over to your next class.

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