╰┈➤ {The big red Raph}: Whatever, point is, ain't no way we adding them here.

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Okay, okay. Calm down big man, ain't nobody forcing you to. ✓

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Also, you guys talk a lot about not being furries but I haven't any of you face reveal. What do you guys even look like? I'm a visual learner btw. ✓

╰┈➤ {Leo blue balls}: Uhhhh, wow would you look at the time? I think I gotta go walk my snail. See ya.

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}:... ✓

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Are you guys seriously not gonna show me what you look like? ✓

After a while of waiting, you assumed they really just weren't going to respond. You sighed and finally opened YouTube while you started eating your breakfast. After you finished you still couldn't get the conversation out of your head, did they really think you were shallow enough to judge them because of how they look? The more you thought about it, the worse you felt about the entire situation. You didn't want to make things awkward and just sweep this under the rug, you wanted to actually get along with these people and be able to communicate.

You mustered all the confidence you could and opened the group chat back up, carefully starting to write a text.

̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶ MAD DOGS WOOF WOOF BARK ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Hey, sorry about that. It wasn't cool, how I acted, and sorry if I made you guys uncomfortable. I really don't wanna make things awkward nor make you feel forced to do anything you don't want to. That was pretty shitty of me and it's totally cool if you guys want me to leave. ✓

You sighed, already feeling shame and guilt creeping up on you. You hated apologizing but honestly were way too used to doing it, it still didn't make it any easier. The longer you saw no answering, the more you considered just leaving the chat. You tried to calm down and instead layed down in bed and listened to some music, hoping they would eventually respond and everything would be okay, or they would at least just tell you to leave.

You put on your headphones and clicked on your favorite playlist, quickly closing your eyes and trying to relax. Without realizing, you slowly started to get more and more tired, waking up around an hour later from your unexpected nap.

You checked the time after waking up, 12:30 PM. You groaned and headed towards the kitchen, seeing your dad almost finished making lunch, you smiled at him before you headed to the living room. You pet your sleeping cat and played with your dog for a bit, the background noise of the TV not really being registered by your head. After a short time of spending quality time with your pets, your dad was finished with lunch. You headed to the kitchen and sat down by the small table, mostly eating silently except for the occasional small talk that your father started. The food was average at best but it's not like you could cook any better, so you didn't really have anything to complain about.

After around 20 minutes you were finished, you thanked your dad and headed over to pet your cat one last time before heading back to your room. You walked in and immediately sat on the bed, staring at the wall for a few minutes, feeling completely empty. You really didn't have any hobbies, let alone any passions, you would consider yourself average, but in a depressing way.

You shook those thoughts out as quickly as you could, trying to keep a less depressive attitude. You however opened your phone only to see some new notifications from the group chat, you could feel a pit of anxiety forming in your stomach. You could only hope these weren't bad news.

With sweaty hands you clicked on the latest notification, group chat messages quickly popping up on the screen

̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶ MAD DOGS WOOF WOOF BARK ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶

╰┈➤ {Mickey the scrunkly}: Hey, it's alright, you did nothing wrong! We just kinda feel awkward about our appearance for the most part. Next time we hang out you can totally see us!

╰┈➤ {Machine gun Donnie}: Yeah man, don't worry about it too much! It's cool.

╰┈➤ {The big red Raph}: Hey, you there dude? Please don't leave we still wanna be friends! Sorry if we made it awkward.

╰┈➤ {Leo blue balls}: [Name]? You there? I'm sorry please don't leave! I'll buy your meth!

You felt so bad, there were several messages after that, all similar to those ones. A part of you wanted to be relieved that they were still your friends but it was overshadowed by how guilty you felt for not replying earlier and making them worry. You teared up a bit but immediately wiped them away, trying to man up and actually write a text back.

̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶ MAD DOGS WOOF WOOF BARK ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Sorry! I fell asleep and didn't check my phone. I'm sorry again about making it awkward, I still wanna be friends, you guys are super cool! ✓

╰┈➤ {Mickey the scrunkly}: Please don't feel bad! I'm glad you still wanna be friends, can't wait to hang out again!

You smiled slightly at that, feeling a bit of relief wash over you and calm you down. After re-reading the old messages once again you realized something, something of extreme importance to you

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: Soooo @{Leo blue balls}, I heard you were interested in my blue crystal meth??? ✓

╰┈➤ {Leo blue balls}: Um, depends, do I at least get a discount for being your friend?

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: True friends support each other's businesses at full price, cheap ass ✓

╰┈➤ {Leo blue balls}: Can I get a discount for being hot then? Like, really hot???

╰┈➤ {Reallycoolguy69}: That's not very cash money of you, probably cause you don't have any, broke ass mf lmao ✓

You chuckled at your last message, honestly, you were really fucking funny, and hot, and cool...

Before you realized, you had spent most of your day texting through the group chat. You only realized the time when your dad called you out for dinner. You quickly headed to eat, after finishing quite fast you headed back to your room. You enjoyed what time you had left of the day before you had to go to sleep kinda early.

Tomorrow was gonna be Monday, aka, another day of painful loneliness at school after a lazy Sunday.

You sighed, knowing what you would have to deal with tomorrow, and closed your eyes. You stirred and turned for an uncomfortable amount of time before you finally started to feel sleep take over you. You felt... your... eyes... clo...

And you were out like a light.

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