Three gems and a baby

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A big blizzard hit a Beach City. The snow was keep falling and falling that the whole land was covered in white blanket. The freezing wind played with a falling snowflakes.

A man in his early thirties was running towards the house,with a grocery bag in one hand and wrapped buddle in another. Closing a door behind him,he checked the buddle first if his few months old son was okay. His blood run cold when instead of his baby,he had wrapped a bread. From a grocery bag popped a baby with black curly hair. Greg was relieved,this was a third time he mistook his son for a bread.

Speaking of food. It was a time to feed baby Steven. And he would like to have some food as well.

And he found out it wasn't easy warming milk,eating and holding baby at the same time. Steven kept gripping his hair and he almost burn the milk. Dropping his pb-j sandwich in the process.

When he checked the temperature of the milk was right, he walks to the living room,sitting on a couch and start feeding his son. He shivers with cold. He looks at the heater next to a couch. He didn't want to interrupt Steven,so he reached with his foot and turns on the heater, it lit up orange. Much better.

Steven finnished the bottle to the last drop. Warm and with full belly,he yawns and imediately falls asleep. Greg puts the empty bottle on a table. During that he notices a family picture of Vidalia,Sour Cream and Yellowtail.
He looks sadly at it. It reminded him what he could have with Rose. It only been few months since she...died. There's not a single day he wouldn't miss her. He cherissed every moment they spend together. And now he's alone again.

No,that's not entirely true. He has Steven, with Rose's gem she passed on him. He'll give his son a good life. Though it might take some time. Nobody said being a single parent would be easy. He seen it with Vidalia. He would have to find a job to support himself and Steven.

But for now,taking a little nap wouldn't hurt. Looking through a window,all that falling snow made him sleepy.

Moments later Greg was awaken by baby's crying. 

"Hey little Stu-ball. What are you doing all the dancing in there?" He soothed the crying infant. Steven was fidgeting restlessly. Was something bothering him?

"You wanna get out of there and show me your moves?" The baby threw the blanket from him,unbuttoning his pink onesie. 

"Hey, now. You unbuttoned all your buttons up I buttoned up." He gives him a raspberry,making Steven laugh. Then he buttoned them back up.

"Okie pokie." But again Steven unbuttons them. It seemed it wasn't very comforable for him. On his belly a large round pink gem glimmering in light. Maybe he didn't like his gem covered.

"Wha? Does your gem need to breathe? about this." He buttons them back,but he let rwo loose to make a hole around the gem. And it work.
Someone knocked on a front door. Greg stood up and went to see who could that be. The he opens the door,three familiar gems stood in front of him. And each one seemed to carrying a gift.

"Oh, hey ya'll." He akwardly greets them.

"Hello." Said Garnet. The tallest from the three gave him a friendly greeting. She was a tall woman with dark red skin,a square afro and a shades covering her eyes. The second gem Amethyst was short with purple skin,long lavender hair and a purple gem placed on her chest. The third gem Pearl was a tall slim woman with a figure of a ballerina. She has a pale skin,a pixie bob short pale brown hair and a oval shaped gem on her forehead.

"Yo Greg. Check it out,we brought gifts for a little Rose!"

"Amethyst.." Garnet put a hand on her head. "We've gone over this. Steven is a.."

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