You're My Best Friend

Start from the beginning

"Kids, I've got an awesome idea! This week's lesson is all about the most inspiring guy we know, Blaine!" Mr. Schue smiled, and a giant tapestry fell with my name on it while everyone cheered.

"Ooh, child. Unique's got the blues and the only way to cure them is to hear Blaine smooth as a baby's butt voice." Unique said, and everyone started begging me to sing.

"Really? Well, if you guys insist. What should I sing? Oh, I know. Hit it!" I smiled, and the piano started to play.


"Blaine, baby, what's wrong?" I asked Blaine, grabbing his shoulder to wake him up. Blaine never slept during school, and this was worrying.

"You didn't say a word the entire class. Didn't even sing." Sam said, and I grabbed his hand.

"Want us to call you a waam-bulance? Because your pity party is out of control." Kitty scoffed, and I shooed her away.

"Yeah girl, check yourself before you wreck yourself." Unique shrugged before walking out and Blaine looked at her, like she was crazy.

"Do you need to go to the nurse? Are you okay?" I asked, helping him up.

"I'm fine. You need to sit in that chair." He said, and I wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Okay, I will. But first, we are going to the nurses office and you are going to lie down." I smiled, and he laid his head on my shoulder, obviously still not right.

After making sure Blaine fell asleep in the nurse's office, I went back to the choir room to get his bag that he forgot. I grabbed it and started to walk out, but I had an urge to sit in the chair.

"What the hell." I muttered under my breath, and sat in the chair. After sitting there for a minute, I was going to get up, but I got extremely tired.

"Sami, what are you still doing here?" I heard a very familiar voice, and I opened my eyes to see Finn.

"Finn... aren't you supposed to be at college?" I asked, taking his hand.

"Nah, there was some sort of incident with some rats so it's out for the day while they fumigate it. Come on, we've got to practice." He smiled, pulling me out of the chair.

"Practice?" I tilted my head, and he looked at me like I was dumb.

"How did you forget? Your giving me dance lessons for your wedding!" He laughed, grabbing my waist, and we started to dance as Brad played the piano.

"You kids scare me." Brad said, and I immediately stood up from the chair and ran out.

"Blaine, I need you to come over tonight, I wanna have a movie night." I called Blaine, walking out of the class.

"Okay, I'll be there." He said, and I hung up and ran to the parking lot to go home.

Blaine had been two hours late, and he didn't even think to send a text. This was extremely unlike him, and I was honestly kind of worried.

"Where the hell were you?" I asked, crossing my arms as I paused the movie. I had made a bowl of popcorn, which I had already eaten most of, and I was laying in bed.

"I'm so sorry, Principal Sylvester gave me detention, and she said if I tried to skip it, she'd suspend me and put it on my permanent record." Blaine sighed, walking in. He got detention? This was even less like him.

"You didn't think to call me? I've been waiting here for two hours, Blaine." I scoffed, sitting up.

"I was trying my best not to hurt you. All I did was steal back the Sami puppet I made in crafts class." He explained, and I got off of the bed.

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