Chapter 14

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Eric sighed as he crossed the door of the classroom and got out to the corridors, already filled up with students hurrying up for lunch. He quickly spotted the light blond hair of Sam and dodged some students to reach him, hopping Dan was with him. He was not. In fact, as soon as Eric recognized the back of the person who walked with Sam, he backed up a bit, watching theme from a decent distance. Fast enough, Russell went away, almost tripping into some random student, due to his insistence on looking down at his feet while walking.

He watched as Sam carded a hand on blond locks and exhaled heavily, resuming the hike, cafeteria as destination. Then he wondered. And he didn't know it at the moment, but he wondered right, nevertheless, not a single word about it would slip from his thin lips. Being that so, he pondered his words carefully as he finally approached the guy and touched his forearm. "Hey," Eric said simply, deciding it was for the best to feign ignorance and be as brief as possible since he and Sam weren't exactly friends. He was just his mate's buddy. For now. He vaguely remembered that having friends felt nice; he wanted to experience that again, and Sam seemed like a good option to start. Nevertheless, he was genuinely concerned for the guy, depression almost visibly dripping down his pores.

"Oh, you," Sam said, and Eric frowned lightly. He thought probably his own face was the last one the guy would want to see at that precise moment, but it was already too late to vanish without being rude. Sam smiled nonchalantly. "Hey, thanks for earlier. Sometimes Dan losses sense of personal boundaries, you know? Avoid as much as you can to trust secrets into him. When he's nervous, he might spill out any piece of information that's accessible in his brain."

Eric frowned deeper, realizing he was already sharing important secrets with the boy. He pushed the fact to a corner of his mind and tried to follow the conversation. "It's nothing. I guessed you just needed privacy on that whatever issue that is bothering you."

"Ah, you're right." Sam released a little giggle (a nervous one, Eric would bet.)

"Sooo... Have you been buddies with Dante since long ago?" He asked, changing the matter to give some ease to the boy.

Sam thanked him in silence. "Hmm, since we were six, if I'm not mistaken. We've been classmates since kinder, but we didn't talk to each other until elementary school. But well, have you been in love with him since long ago?"

Eric frowned as much as his brows would go and flushed furiously. "Look who's talking! What about Russ-?" It was too late, the truth had been exposed. Sam's wide eyes were the confirmation. 'Oh, shit...'

"Uwaa! I'm sorry! Forget I said that! I'm so sorry!"

Sam covered his mouth with a hand and Eric got alarmed as he thought the boy was about to cry, but froze when he identified little giggles that quickly burst into laughing "It's fine. It's my fault for teasing you." Sam chuckled, patting the guy on the shoulder and recovering his breath. "On exchange, could you please not tell Dante?"

Even though he nodded in agreement, he kept mumbling a long yarn of apologies that only he could understand whilst the taller boy made his best to make him quite. 'How stupid can I be?! Now he knows I know! Damn it!' His unending volley finally stopped when he felt something weird on the right side of his body. He would describe it as a burning; only he didn't know if of heat or cold; could be both, could be either. The only thing he was sure about is that it wasn't bothersome at all.

"Hey, guys!" Dante's cheerful greet came gritty, so he cleared his throat and repeated it, equally energetic. He placed a hand on Eric's shoulder, and the sensation spread out trough his whole body, lasting only a few seconds. 'What did just...?'

He had no time to concentrate on it as his line of thoughts got cut by a talking Dante declaring he was hungry as a wolf, and who pushed them both to the cafeteria. Eric only could wonder if Dan had felt it too.

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