Chapter 9

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'What the heck is wrong with today's kids?!' Eric was lolling on the bed, with lights off and clothes still on. His neck hurt because of reposing on the unpriced stuffed animal (which had ended up occupying the half of the mattress) and the fingers of his left hand rested motionless over his mouth. He could yet perceive a light titillation if he recalled it. It was madness, he knew it as good as he knew the sun rises from west and stars shine at midday. He was flat lost on his feelings. There were no words to describe the diverse range of sensations that he could feet under the skin at that time, but if his life depended on it, he would have described it as an explosion of color, filling his heart with mist, illuminating the darkness, drying the wounds.

The door, ajar, creaked when someone tried to knock. His mother came in without waiting for an answer and turned on the light.

"Oh, son, I was worried. Where were– What's that?"

"Hi, mom. I won it at the amusement park, but Laura didn't want it.

"Huh? Why not?"

"She said she's not five anymore. It's fine, I'll keep it, I guess," he said shrugging.

"But what were you doing at the amusement park in first place? Don't tell me you reconciled with Russel!"

"Of course not. Mom, I have other friends, ya know?" Lie. "Plus... I was  in a date. That's why I didn't call."

Eric's mother's eyes shone with an unknown expectation for the boy. Immediately, the women closed the door behind her back and sat on the bed next to her son, encouraging him to start talking. She wouldn't accept silence as a response.

"C'mon, tell me. Who is your girlfriend?"

Eric's heart skipped a bit. He was a pretty antisocial person, so he had never considered the possibility of falling in love, much less finding his soul mate, and least that that person were a boy. He had already made up his mind to himself, but he didn't know if his mother would agree. After all, she was not the most opened minded mother of the world, especially if it came to her children. Eric prayed for his mother not to be homophobic and reached for the words.

"Well, um... is not my girlfriend."

"Huh? You hadn't asked her yet?"

"No, that's not the point. It happens... that this person is my soul mate and..."

Margaret opened both eyes so much that they could have jumped out of their sockets at any second. With a squeal of excitement, she strongly embraced her son and covered him with kisses that left red lipstick marks all over his face. Eric wondered if his mother would still be kissing him when he told her it was a boy and not a beauty with big breasts as she expected.

"Stop, mom!"

"Oh, I'm so glad for you! A Soul mate is a huge happiness source. Did she accepted you?"

"Mother, I'm more worried for you to accept him."

"...him?... You're saying... that is a guy?"

"So it is." It seemed as if they had drained all vibe and emotion from the room. Even the teddy bear's staring looked warmer than Margaret's eyes. 'Damn! What have I done?!'

"Do you... love him?"

"I... guess. It's just... everything happened so fast, but still... I wouldn't imagine things otherwise.

Margaret was silent a moment, staring at his hands, then turned to see his son, and with a calm smile, said: "I'm happy for you. Soul mates don't grow on trees, so you better trat him well. When you present him to me?"

Soul Mates (English) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now