Droid troops milled about the tank-filled plaza. At the far end of the plaza, several droids began to run and fire. Naboo soldiers began to fire back at the battle droids.

As the ruckus erupted at one end of the plaza, Padmé and her troops rushed into the main hanger. Panaka and his soldiers continued to engage the droids outside.

"Kids, find cover, quick!" said the Master.

They hid behind one of the Naboo fighters, ducking as large bolts whiz past and exploded near them. Padmé and the two Jedi destroyed battle droids right and left. The Queen's troops also blasted away at the droids. Padmé signalled to her pilots.

"Get to your ships!"

The pilots and R2-D2 units ran for the Naboo fighter craft stacked in the hanger bay.

The ship began to levitate out of the hanger. Battle droids fired at it as it fell in behind five other fighters. R2-D2 whistled to the kids from a fighter not far away. They ran and jumped into the fighter to hide.

Padmé and the Jedi defended themselves against the remaining battle robots. The fighters flew past the planets moon towards the droid control ships of the Federation. The Federation tanks began to fire on the Gungans, but they were protected by their energy shield. The tanks stopped firing, and the Gungans watched for a minute. The Gungans continued to wait as they saw the doors to the massive transports opened, and racks of battle droids were pulled out and lined up. The Gungans got ready for an attack by activating individual shields. The warriors dumped large balls of energy into their catapults readying themselves for the impending battle. Panaka, Sabe and Naboo troops rushed into the hanger and overwhelmed the few remaining battle droids. Padmé, Obi-Wan, and Qui-Gon joined forces with Panaka.

"My guess is the Viceroy is in the throne room." Padmé said.

"Red Group, Blue Group, everybody, this way." Panaka ordered.

They started to head for the exit, on the way passing the fighter where the twins were hiding. R2-D2 whistled a greeting as they peeped out of the cockpit.

"Hey! Wait for us." said Anakin.

"Stay where you are. You'll be safe there." Qui-Gon added.


"Stay in that cockpit."

They headed for the exit. As they were about to go through the door, suddenly everyone halted, revealing Darth Maul standing in the doorway. The Jedi stepped forward.

"We'll handle this..."

"We'll take the long way." Padmé said.

Darth Maul took off his hood, and the two Jedi took off their capes.

At the far end of the hanger, three wheels droid rolled in and transformed into their battle position. R2 called the kids' attention to the droids.

Padmé and her troops ran for cover as they saw the destroyer droids.

"We've gotta do something, sister!" Anakin said.

Darth Maul ignited his laser sword as the Jedi ignited theirs. Both ended of the sword lighted up.

The Jedi began to fight the Sith Lord.

The droids began to advance and started firing on Padmé and her troops.

R2 whistled a reply. Suddenly, the ship's systems went on, and the ship began to levitate.

"I'm trying to. I don't know where the trigger is." said Anakin.

Mary pushed a button, and the ship began to roll towards the droids.

"Oops, wrong one... Maybe this one...." Mary said.

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