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[Y/n]'s pov;
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I am still looking for more information on this dammed party. As I'm sitting in a tree because I'm hiding from some idiot who was tryna steal my shit. Ya know. The usual. But I'm the creation of chaos. So I know how to easily escape shit like this. Haha, the chaos child. That's me, I guess. Oh, well. I'm just gonna look and see if they're gone


OK, OK. What the fuck? I pull my phone from my pocket and click the notifications. 4 messages from some random ass group chat. "Party shit" oh. [F/n]. They know I can't remember sshit for my life well I can. But only if it's important. To me or life or death situation. Somehow I can remember the pressure points and soft tissue areas that make it easier for cuts and stuff. How's that make sense? It doesn't. Ah shit. I zoned out. There are now- 10 MORE FICKING MESSAGES. IN 3 MINUTES? oh dear god. Alrighty. Let's take a look, shall we?




[+44 ***** ****]
- hey! This is for the party at ******!
and [y/n] I know you forget a lot of things so here is the location and address ******* ********

[+44 ***** ****]
- I hope I have everyone's numbers right!

[+** ***** ****]
- yep! What time is it? I forgot.

[+44 ***** ****]
- 7: 45pm tonight! Is this Sam, Johan and [y/n]??

[+** ***** ****]
- yep, sam

[+** ***** ****]
- Johan.

[Y/n] here <33 OK jk but yeah. Ty [f/n] -
I'll see yall tonight then. Gotta go. Hiding from someone again. Byeeeeee:^

[+44 ***** ****]


Sighing I turn the phone off. Hopefully, I can avoid this bitch now-
OK OK. Clear, now let's fucking run-
Who am I talking to? Idk. Shut up. No, you. Fuck off both of yous. *offended gasps*

OK well, my brain is fried-
Anywho. Well, I'm already running, the damp grass and mud clinging to the fucking. White. Socks. I decided to wear. Because [y/n] is an idiot. Why am I talking in 3rd person? Because you are mentally ill [y/n]. 🤦🏼‍♂️

Opening the door to where I lived I was greeted by the warmth of home and the squelching of my muddy socks on wooden floors. Stupid. I should've put shoes on but when you're hiding from a supposed killer you run without thought don't you? Unless you're up for a fight. But my lazy ass won't. Well, I would because of rage but not today, I can't deal with that right now. So instead I walk my ass upstairs and sit on my bed while taking off the wet socks. Hearing a voice in the back of my mind go "gUrL put those GriPpERs AwaAaAaAayyYYY!" A small huff finds its way from my nose in amusement. I lay back on the bed when I realise I left the front door open. Like an idiot. Well. Whatever. I'm staying here. Cause- I HAVE THE POWER OF GOD AND ANIME ON MY SIDE! .... AAAAAAAAAAA

I need to stop-. Alright, let's close the door. A bat found its way into my [s/c] hands which were wrapped in a worn bandage due to a previous injury. I don't like to reminisce on it..anyways. my now bare feet pad down the carpeted stairs as my grip tightens on the bat when a heavy footstep is heard from the front door. I stop. Sweat drips from my forehead as my stomach tightens. 'Oh fuck it' I run towards the door and look about. Nothing. What? Meh. I loosen the grip on my bat and close and lock the front door, taking the keys with me. I stretch my arms over my head and go back to my room.
A low buzzing comes from my pocket. "I thought I turned you off...?" Confusion was clear on my face. I saw it on the screen's inky surface. The screen lit up with the call icon and name. "[F/n]" oh. OK. I pick it up, with hesitance. I don't want to but she's my friend, I have to.
" heyyyy [f/n]!"
"[Y/n]! Are you coming to the party?! It's 7:30 pm! I'll be there in 5!"
The line went dead- she hung up. Wow so rude- wait. SHIT. 7:30?!! OH FUCK.

Running around and outlining things from my closet and draws trying to find something decent to wear to a party. It's some party at a frat boys' house. To get drunk, fuck, get one night stands and smoke weed ect. Basic shit you'd see with kids like that.

< short time skip >

I finally got ready and brushed off my outfit. It was basic but nice enough to go to a party in. A loud honk from outside broke my thoughts and made me jump. She's here..woooo. kill me, Lord.
Sighing, i grab my house keys and phone. Well. It's time to get going to this party...

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
See ya next chapter readers...

It All Started With A Wrong Pair Of Numbers. [ A Creepypasta X Reader Book]Where stories live. Discover now