Chase Through The Air

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Basil, Dawson, Flaversham and the Queen tackled Ratigan as several other mice rush forward to help. Other mice were fighting off the rest of Ratigan's men, with Olivia and Lena standing safely back stage. Olivia watched from the side at all the chaos going on while Lena hurried over to a telephone, calling Scotland Yard.

"Listen, this is Detective Lena Ashwyn requesting backup at The Palace! I need all available officers to come and help apprehend Professor Ratigan and his men. Note, his men are disguised as royal guards so arrest all guards!"

She noticed some thugs trying to escape or were heading back stage towards her and Olivia. So she picked up one of the subdued thugs' guns and started shooting some of the fake guards down. Olivia watched her in amazement, cheering her on, neither of them noticing that Fidget managed to free himself from his ropes.


Back inside, Ratigan threw his attackers away angrily, shedding his robe in the process. Fidget whistled at him from a high balcony, holding Olivia and Lena.

"The girls! The girls!"

Flaversham and Basil turned around, horrified as Ratigan jumped from mouse to mouse, and grabbed a rope to swing himself onto the balcony. Lena kicked Fidget away and tried to grab Olivia and run, when both her and the little mousling were grabbed by Ratigan.

Basil, Dawson and Flaversham rushed forward, only to freeze as Ratigan held Olivia threateningly over the edge while he held Lena tightly at his side.

"Stay where you are or the girls die!" He disappeared behind the curtain, taking Olivia and Lena with him.

"Hurry, Dawson!" Basil exclaimed, chasing after the fiend. 


A storm approached as Fidget pedaled the dirigible and Ratigan steered. Lena and Olivia had been thrown into one of the corners but Olivia had had enough of the rat. She bravely stood up and marched up to the villain.

"Just wait! Basil's smarter than you! He's going to put you in jail." She said angrily and began tugging on Ratigan's tail to accent her next few insults. "He's not afraid of a big, old, ugly, rat like you."

Ratigan, being much stronger, easily snatched his tail back. "Would you  kindly sit down and SHUT UP!"

His yell sent Olivia flying back, knocking her over a stool and into the wall. Lena ran over to the little girl, holding her safely in her arms while glaring at the horrid rat.

"Scared, Professor?" She asked, making him glare over at her. "You should be."

Ratigan raised his fist to her when he saw the British flag flying in front of him, blocking his path. Fidget cowered as it moved higher.

It was Basil, Dawson and Flaversham! They had taken a British flag, balloons, and a sliding match box in order to make a make-shift hot air balloon to fly in. Ratigan sneered and turned the dirigible in another direction and Fidget began to pedal faster.

"Let her go, chaps!"

Dawson and Flaversham released some air from an open balloon, closing the distance between them and Ratigan easily. They flew hurriedly around roofs and chimneys, up and around a statue of Lord Nelson, and straight ahead towards the Tower Bridge. But, no matter which way Ratigan steered or how fast Fidget went, Basil and his team always easily caught up to them.

Fidget suddenly stopped pedaling, out of breath and exhausted. Ratigan glared at his assistant as the bat hopped inside and gestured towards Olivia and Lena.

"We have to lighten the load." He coughed out.

Lena glared at the little nuisance, holding Olivia closer to her. If he came anywhere near them, she'd be sure to send a swift kick to his face.

"Oh you want to lighten the load? Excellent idea!"

Fidget snickered at the two girls but was caught off guard as Ratigan seized him by the ears and tossed him over instead.

"No! Not me! I can't fly! I can't fly!" Fidget screamed as he fell into the water of the River Thames, meeting his demise. 

Lena gasped in horror, with her hands over Olivia's eyes, as Ratigan hopped onto the propeller and moved forward. However, Basil had jumped over to the dirigible, catching the tail of the aircraft and swung forward. Ratigan ducked as Basil's feet just missed him. The two adversaries glared at each other until a terrified scream comes from Olivia and Lena. 


With Ratigan at the pedal, there was no one to steer, and they turned to see that he was heading directly for Big Ben!


On the mouse-made hot air balloon, all Dawson and Flaversham could do was stare at the empty dirigible hanging from the hole made in Big Ben's face, and pray that Olivia, Basil and Lena were alright.

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