Basil of Baker Street

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Lena, Olivia and Dawson soon made it to 221 1/2 Baker Street, the residence of the famed Detective Basil. The painted numbers on the plaque, next to the door filled both Olivia and Dawson with joy, knowing that Olivia was closer to getting her father back. However, those same numbers had the opposite effect on Lena as her fists clenched while her stomach churned. She also had an annoyed frown on her lips as she knocked on the door.

She braced herself, waiting for his smug face to pop out from behind the door. But, to her surprise (and somewhat relief) the door was instead answered by the house keeper, Mrs Judson. She attempted to give the group a kind smile while trying to carry the load of all sorts of things in her arms. Lena took note of the items in the poor woman's paws - a couple of books, a blanket, a pillow, a teacup and a...spiked club? If Lena was being honest, the spiked club wasn't really that surprising.

"Good evening, Mrs Judson." The detective greeted kindly.

"Oh, good evening, Detective Ashwyn. Need help on another case?"

"Something like that. Is he in?"

Mrs Judson shook her head, her bonnet swishing slightly with the movement as she adjusted the objects in her arms before she spoke, "No, he's not here at the moment but you're welcome to come in and wait."

Dawson, being the gentleman that he was, politely removed his hat before he spoke, "Oh, we don't mean to impose, it's just...the girl."

He gasped when Olivia was no where to be seen, having seemingly vanished from the spot beside him. Though Lena eased his worries as she pointed inside Basil's home, towards the fireplace where Olivia had situated herself on a comfy chair, innocently inspecting a magnifying glass.

"Oh my!" Mrs Judson exclaimed as she dumped everything she was carrying into poor Dawson's hands before rushing over to Olivia. "You poor dear. You must be chilled to the bone."

She began to take Olivia's hat and scarf while Lena helped Dawson place down all the items on a nearby table. The house was in disarray as always but Lena didn't expect anything less. Basil wasn't exactly the tidiest person.

"Oh but I know just the thing." Mrs Judson giggled as she began to walk out of the room. "Let me fetch you all a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets."

As she left, they all turned to stare around the room. It was filled with all sorts of doodads, science stuff, and strange contraptions. For as long as Lena had known him, she knew that Basil always had some kind of weird contraption lying around or chemicals to later be used in science experiments. Some of these things had even helped in solving some cases. Like the one machine in the corner that twisted a bunch of shoes around to have their soles painted and then pressed on a piece of paper. That stupid thing had helped them catch a bank robber. And he had used some ind of chemical to test for gun powder residue on a suspect's coat, which led to them catching their killer. 

In fact, a lot of these silly machines and science objects had helped them on cases. As annoyed by him as she was, she had to admit his methods were effective. He really was an amazing detective.

Just as Dawson hung up his coat, they were all pulled from their thoughts as a voice chuckled from outside. "Ah-ha! The villain's slipped this time!" The front door flew open and Lena reached for her gun just as a large grey mouse in red Chinese robes burst through. "I shall have him!"

Both Dawson and Olivia stepped out of his way, scared by his sudden appearance as he came running in yelling, "Out of my way! Out of my way!"

However, Lena sighed as she drew her hand away from her gun and closed her coat to conceal it once more. Even though the large grey mouse had a gun in his hands while he ran around like a mad man, she knew that he was no threat.

"I say- " Dawson tried to speak when the weird mouse's hat landed on his head, causing him to pause and wretch it off before continuing, "Who are you?"

The mouse stopped in his tracks and turned to stare at him. "What? Oh." With a tug at his face, it was revealed to be a mask with the small, slender face of a brown mouse replacing it instead. "Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow."

Basil smiled and bowed before pulling on a string which deflated the suit, revealing his slender frame. Dawson stared in confusion and Olivia seemed amazed by it all while Lena simply rolled her eyes.

Olivia jumped for joy as she sprang up and ran over to him. "Mr Basil, I need your help and- "

But she was cut off as Basil retrieved his robe, hanging from a dart, as he interrupted her, "All in good time."

"But-but you don't understand." Basil seemed to ignore poor Olivia as he slipped on his robe and threw the dart it had been hanging from behind him, of course landing a perfect bullseye. "I'm in terrible trouble- "

"If you'll excuse me."

Once again he interrupted her before walking right past all of them. Olivia attempted to speak to him again but sighed in defeat, deciding against it. Lena felt sorry for the poor girl but she had tried to warn her. 

Lena had known Basil for much longer than these two mice had and even now, when they were actually getting along, she still couldn't stand him for too long. But, unlike her unfortunate companions, she had built up somewhat of a tolerance to the infuriating mouse. This tolerance was the main reason she could now be in his company and even laugh at his antics.

Dawson glared at the arrogant mouse before speaking up for the poor young girl, "N-now, now see here- " he was stopped for a moment as Basil ran past them to a table. "This young lady is in need of assistance. I think you ought to- "

He was once again cut off as Basil thrusted an object towards him before saying, "Hold this please, Doctor."

Dawson willing took it, being the gentleman that he was. "Of course but- " Words escaped him as he gasped, realising he took a gun from the detective...that was now pointed at his head. He nervously shook as he held it out, away from him, just in time for Basil to take it back.

In that moment, something seemed to click in Dawson's head. "Uh, wait just a moment. How did you know I was a doctor?"

Lena sighed as she leaned against the wall, making herself comfortable, while a playful smirk appeared on Basil's face. He was about to show off his skills of deduction. She'd seen it enough times to know just how much he enjoyed showing off. She had to admit it was impressive but he had shown off too many times for her liking.

"A surgeon, to be exact. Just returned from military duty in Afghanistan, am I right?" He asked, probably already knowing he was right as he placed a bullet in the gun.

Dawson slightly chuckled as he proudly stated, "Why...yes. Major David Q. Dawson." He paused, once again confused as he tried to ask, "But how could you possibly- "

"Quite simple, really." Basil interjected as he put the gun down and lifted up the sleeve of Dawson's coat. "You've sewn your torn cuff with a Lembert stitch, which, of course, only a surgeon uses."

Basil went around collecting pillows as he continued to explain, "And the thread is a unique form of catgut easily distinguished by its- " Basil leaned down to whisper to Olivia " -peculiar pungency- " He then smiled as he leaned back up "-found only in Afghan provinces."

Once finished, he tossed the pillows over to Dawson while both he and Olivia stared at him in amazement. Lena had seen that look before a thousand times. In the beginning, though she hated to admit it, she once was like that too. But now, she just rolled her eyes and sighed, slightly smiling at the thought. Basil was always right...and he was always really annoying about it.

One of her eyebrows did quirk up in confusion as Basil picked up the gun once again. She didn't like where this was headed.

"Amazing." Came Dawson's muffled voice from behind all the pillows he was holding.

"Actually, it's...elementary, my dear Dawson."

Basil pointed the gun at the pillows, still held by Dawson, who panicked as he threw them on a nearby chair. Lena's eyes widened before she grabbed both Dawson and Olivia, hiding all of them behind another chair just as the gun went off. Soft, white feathers fell all around them like freshly fallen snow and, as Lena looked over at the two startled and shaking mice, she noticed the bullet had landed right next to her foot.

Never a dull moment around the amazing Basil of Baker Street...sadly.

The Great Mouse Detective X OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum