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Inside a prison, hidden underground somewhere in a dirty, foul-smelling place, held poor Mr Flaversham. With him, in his prison, a mechanical robot poured tea into a cup. Flaversham was working at a podium, controlling its movements though, one look at his face, would tell anyone he was not pleased with his handiwork.

A cloud of smoke was blown in his face and he slowly turned to see the maniacal face of Ratigan. A large grin was upon his lips while he elegantly held a cigarette in a long cigarette holder and monitored the toy maker's progress with some kind of sick satisfaction.

With an evil chuckle, he slyly addressed the unfortunate mouse, "Quite an ingenious scheme, eh, Flaversham?" He then mockingly pinched his cheek. "And aren't you proud to be a part of it?"

"This whole thing...i-i-it's monstrous!"

"We will have our device ready by tomorrow evening, won't we?" Ratigan asked as he casually toyed with a golden bell which obviously held some kind of hidden threat. "You know what will happen if you...fail?"

His words seemed to spark a kind of anger in Flaversham, making him defiantly seize the controls as he exclaimed, "I-I-I don't care!"

With a hard jerk on the controls, the robot soon went haywire. It dumped the cup of tea on its head before it poured the contents of the teapot onto its head as well, then hurled it towards Ratigan - who narrowly dodged it. The robot was wildly flailing around and caused destruction in its path. It soon came to a stop but not before squirting a bit of oil out onto Ratigan's coat.

The rat scowled, going to wipe it off as Flaversham defiantly proclaimed, "You can do what you want with me. I won't be a part of this-this-this evil any longer!"

Ratigan glared at the bothersome mouse but was quick to replace it with a nonchalant shrug and smirk. "Very well. If that is your decision. Oh, uh, by the way, I'm taking the liberty of having your daughter brought here."

He picked up a wind-up ballerina doll, which Flaversham had gifted Olivia, and wound it up. A look of horror appeared on the mouse's face, making Ratigan slightly grin, knowing he once again had the upper hand.


"Yes." He grinned as he placed the doll down, watching as it gracefully danced across the table while his next words took on a mocking tone, "I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate were to befall her."

"You...you wouldn't!"

Flaversham hoped that the despicable rat was just toying with his emotions. But, to his horror, Ratigan casually picked up the doll, almost gentle-like at first. Then, with a furious look in his eyes, he squeezed the doll until it stopped working, its head even popping off in the process.

Ratigan gazed at the broken doll in mock sorrow, then angrily ordered, "FINISH IT, FLAVERSHAM!"

With a heavy heart, Flaversham goes over to fix the robot as the door to his prison was slammed shut and locked. Outside, Ratigan hummed to himself as he wrote down a list.

"Oh, I love it when I'm nasty." He chuckled devilishly before looking above him to see Fidget, hanging from a faucet, sleeping. "Fidget?" He called but only got a few chuckles from the still asleep bat, which made him scream, "FIDGET!" Startled, Fidget fell from his perch and rolled down to Ratigan's feet.

"Bright and alert as always." He sarcastically stated before harshly handing the list over to the confused bat. "Here's the list. You know what to do and no mistakes."

Fidget nervously read over the list as he stuttered out, "No. No mistakes, sir. Tools, gears, girl, uniform- "

"NOW, Fidget!"

The Great Mouse Detective X OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن