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I'm in trouble. I don't think my absence was taken too kindly. At least she can't reach my face to pull my ear like my mother.


Scratch that. She is exactly like my mother. Usually I would think of it as her being happy to see me, but this, this is not happy. When we accidentally bumped into each other in the corridor, she took one look at me and started sputtering nonsense. I've never heard somebody rap so fast in my life. Poor Chuck came to my side and got an earful as well. He stood their looking terrified while he tiny figure radiated anger. She ended her rap session with a mighty yank of our ears and bonked our heads together. And then the sassy walk of anger to wherever the heck she has first period. Chuck just stared at me.

"What in bloody tarnations was that!?"

"I don't think she's happy with us."

"Clearly! I thought you said she'd just be upset!?"

"Well.. um.. she's got a temper that one."

"I'm well aware mate!"

"Maybe we should give her time to cool off?"

"Don't ask me, you're the 'expert' mate." I scoffed and walked to first class.

When I opened the door to my classroom I was instantly surrounded. I've always wondered what it was like to have everyone flock around you like some VIP. Younger me would have killed to know the feeling. But now I know, it's not anything cool at all. It's actually rather nerve wracking. And overwhelming. Everyone's eyes stared eerily into my soul, as if they knew something was up. Nothing can stay hidden or private for long. People were always watching. It's the first time I've ever been in such a situation before. I've always been seemingly invisible to others. I wonder what changed?

"Lee bro! Where the heck you've been? You just disappeared on us!"

"Oh... ah.... I was.... uh... getting over... an allergy! Turns out I'm allergic to... to.... Marshmellows! Yeah, marshmellows! But I accidentally had some at Chuck's so I.... had a severe allergic reaction."

"What? So no smores!?"

"Uh haha... I guess not."

"That's terrible! Man you're missing out on the good stuff!"

"Yeah.... a real bummer... " I laughed awkwardly and shuffled to my chair.

Phew. This is going to be much harder than I thought! I sighed and flipped to a new page in my binder. I wonder how Jisera's doing...

When I was walking up the steps to the school I noticed Jisera standing with two other girls. They seemed to be getting along until one dumped her drink all over her. From the steam the cup was letting out, it seemed to be something hot. I had quickly rushed to my locker and grabbed the extra shirt I always bring. I knew she'd have to walk past the lockers to get the girls bathroom, so I was in no rush. Chuck was a little concerned that Jisera would be angry that I stuck my nose in her business, but I shrugged it off. See the red flag? Yeah. Well apparently I'm colour blind.

When I was just starting to question myself, Jisera came rushing towards me and totally knocked me over. Why do we always run into each other so literally? Well, she was definitely surprised to see me.

She just stared dazedly at me. Her mouth giving an invitation for flies to move in. I tried my hardest not to chuckle. She looked hilariously adorable. But... I failed. I had chuckled a little before reaching out to give her a hand.

"We meet again! Sorry mate. I really should pay more attention to my surroundings." I had said.

She had rolled her eyes and left my hand hanging, choosing instead to get up herself and dusting herself off.

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