23 - Sick / Mrs grumpy pants

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Maya Pov

Can I just start with THIS IS SHIT. WHY? just why on earth does my throat decide to be a BITCH to me. today was going to be the day I tell Lizzie I like her since yesterday I couldn't because there ended up being a thunderstorm and I obviously couldn't take the kids out the house or they would get sick so I just decided that I would tell her the next day but than again everything didn't work out and it rained again except this time Annie was babysitting the twins so I could go talk to Lizzie so I did and I obviously got ready but my one dumb freaking self forgot to grab an umbrella. And since I was not going to let that get me down mostly because I was already half way to her house I was just like fuck it.......but than I got a text from Lizzie saying she wasn't going to be home because they called her to do some scenes so I was like okay that's fine I mean work comes first and there was nothing wrong with delaying one more day. NOPE FUCKING WRONG WHY MAYBE BECAUSE WHEN I GOT FUCKING HOME I HAD FORGOT THE HOUSE KEYS INSIDE BUT SINCE IT WASN'T RAINING THAT BAD I WAS LIKE FUCK IT ILL JUST RUN..........NOPE WRONG AS SOON AS I GOT OUT THE STUPID RAIN DECIDED TO JUST POUR AND I MEAN MAKING ME SOAKING WET. IT DOESN'T END THERE NO I KNOW MY LIFE SUCKS BECAUSE ONCE I GOT TO THE FRONT DOOR I REALIZED IT WAS ALREADY 1 IN THE MORNING AND I WAS NOT ABOUT TO KNOCK ON THE DOOR BECAUSE I KNOW FOR A FACT THE TWINS WOULD WAKE UP SO I DECIDED TO TEXT ANNIE TO ONLY FIND OUT THAT SHE WAS ALREADY SLEEPING AND LET ME TELL YOU THIS GIRL SLEEPS....................THAT'S WHEN IT HIT ME THAT I FUCKING HAVE A SPARE KEY UNDER THE FLOWER POT NEXT TO THE HOUSE IN CASE OF IN EMERGENCY. NOPE STILL WRONG I GUESS DANI OR ANNIE TOOK THAT KEY SO I WENT WITH MY LAST RESORT AND RAN BACK TO MY CAR AND DECIDED TO SLEEP IN THERE INSTEAD. so now guess who woke up sick, still wet for some reason, and angry ME why MAYBE JUST MAYBE  because I wont get to talk to Lizzie again. If this is a sign from the universe that I shouldn't tell her how I feel then.................................





Did I forget to mention that I was woken up by a knock on my car window with a smiling Annie seems like she got a goodnight sleep, lucky her. I rolled down the window so that I could hear what she was saying.

"Oh my, You look like shit did you sleep here all night" she says as I roll my eyes and lay back down. does this girl not have a brain of course I slept here, what does it look like I just pleadingly decided to sleep in my car while I have a comfy bed inside.

"No Annie I just ended up teleporting here and decided to sleep here instead of my bed" I say sarcastically as I groan from the pain in my head and throat.

"alright than get up Mrs grumpy pants and let get you some medicine because you are definitely sick" she says as she helps me out the car I feel dizzy and start to throw up on the grass as she holds my hair back and rubs my back.

"there, there take it all out" she says as she rubs my back.

Once I finish throwing up she helps me walk inside the house and helps me to my room. I lay down on my bed as she goes and grabs medicine from the bathroom cabinet along with a cup of water from the kitchen.

"There you take that and go to sleep while I go and take care of the twins" she says as she hands me the medicine and water. I take it and nod as she leaves, I lay back down on the bed and go to sleep.

Annie Pov

I go and get the twins up from their nursery since they were already awake just talking to each other about nonsense. Once they hear me come in they tilt their heads confused why I am still here and not their mama.

"er mama aunie an?" Milo asks as he looks at me as if to tell if I am real or if hes still sleeping.

"Good morning to you too little mister and your mama is not feeling well so shes asleep in her room right now" I say as I take Milo out of the crib and change his diaper.

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