Jaehaera nodded, and then looked at Sihtric. "Sure," she answered. "I will see you at dinner, Sihtric," she told him before walking away with her Bjorn to train. Leaving the dark-haired boy behind her.

"I don't trust Sihtric," Bjorn told her once they were out of earshot.

Jaehaera looked up at him, "why? He's a dane like us, he wishes to serve my father and hasn't given him bad advice yet," she reminded her lover.

"Yes, but are Danes to be trusted?" He asked her. "Especially one that came from Kjartan? He killed your aunt and your grandparents. He almost killed your father, why should we trust him?"

"Because my father trusts him," she replied sharply. "Do you not trust the word of my father anymore?" She asked, pausing in their walk to train, raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Of course, I trust your father," He told her. "I just-"

"You just what?"

"I do not trust him around you, Jaehaera," he finally spoke. "You tried to kill him, twice, so why should you be so friendly with him, and why should he want to be so friendly with you?" She did not think about that. But the two had made up their differences when she had untied him. The times they spoke, they seemed friendly enough. "Just, I just want you to be safe," he told her, gently taking her shoulders in his hands to look at her.

"I know," she answered. "And I you." Bjorn just kissed her head before they continued their walk.


Early that next morning, Hild walked outside for some fresh air when she saw the abbot and other men rushing towards where Uhtred and Halig lay. She dropped the bucket she held in her hand for Jaehaera to wash with when she woke and rushed back to where she had rested the night before to get her weapons. When she returned, she found men carrying her Lord, and Halig out with swords and daggers to their throats.

Halig saw her first. "Hild, no!" he called for her to stop with worry laced in his voice.

"No, Hild!" Uhtred commanded. "Put down your sword! Put it down now!" he couldn't lose her too.

She dropped it at once and looked at him with utter helplessness. "What should I do lord?"

"You will do nothing," the abbot snapped at her as he pushed her aside.

"Hild!" Uhtred called after her. "My sword! And find my daughter and Gisela!" Hild did as he commanded at once. She took his sword first and took it with her to find his family. She found Gisela being walked, "Lady Gisela," she called out to her.

"Is it true they have taken Uhtred?" She asked her friend.

One of the priests pushed Hild aside again, "out of the way, this is God's work!"

"It is!" She answered the woman.

"Then you must help him," Gisela called out to her. "You are his only hope! Find Jaehaera, Hild! Please!"


Jaehaera was shaken awake with Sihtric over her, he covered her mouth so she didn't shout. Bjorn had been right. She tried to free herself from him, going to headbutt him, but he stopped her. "It's alright, Jaehaera," he whispered frantically to her. Worry and fear riddled his eyes. "Come with me, quickly, please!" He commanded her.

She didn't move as fast as he had wanted her to, only being woken up a few seconds ago. He held out her large cloak for her and her weapons as she quickly put on her shoes. Finally sensing his urgency. Her heart dropped immediately. Where were Bjorn and her father and mother? "What is going on, Sihtric?" she asked once she had everything. Her heart sank when she registered his body language and the fear on his face.

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