"C-come in..." I say hesitantly as I  run back to my spot on my bed, hugging a pillow in my grasp tighter. Looking up I see my father enter the room silently as he removes his golden mask gently  placing it on my dresser. We satire at each other for a moment that seems like forever before breaking the silence. "(y/n) i have decided to give you another chance. This weekend the city will be holding a convention. You will accompany Lilith and advocate for the emperor's coven and if you succeed in this endeavor without getting in trouble I shall let you go where you wish" he said sternly, keeping his arms behind his back and his face turned away. With a small smile creeping to my lips I slowly get up and walk towards my father before gently wrapping my arms around him making him go stiff.
"Thank you father, I will make sure not to disappoint you." I say clearly he simply sighs at my words and gently brings his right hand to lie on my head. Looking up I see his dimly lit green eyes stare down at me in what almost seems like pity. "Of course my child..." he says lightly pushing me away "now get some rest... you'll need it for tomorrow" slowly he opens the door disappearing into the darkness of the hallway leaving me utterly alone as i slowly turn back to look out the window.

Belos's POV

As I excited my daughters room into the solitude of the empty castle halls I made my way down the dark menacing corridor as the moon light shined off the polished marble flooring through the stained glass window. The sound of my shoes tapping on the floor as the dancing flames of the torches on the cold stone walls dimly lit the way as the chuckles of a child could be heard filling the corridor echoing from one room to the next almost as if following me. But of course I already knew who the voice belonged to.

"Why so blue Belos? Isn't the plan running smoothly? Just like you wanted?" the voice wines in a sarcastic tone making me flinch in anger. "Yes everything is going exactly as planned... why wouldn't I be happy Collector?" I ask as I continue my way to the throne room. "Well I don't know... I just thought she was your daughter and not an asset?" the collector rasps out making me stop in my tracks frozen. My reaction only making his laughter grow infinitely more as I thought to myself. "It's all a part of the plan dear old friend and I have no intention of going back..." I say as his laughter only grows as I disappear behind the red wood door. 

(Y/n) POV

That week I made sure to be on my best behavior when suddenly the day arrived. That morning I rushed to get ready for the day ahead of me. As I finished getting ready for the day I made my way down to the front of the castle. Excitedly hopping up and down with a smile on my face. Making it to the foyer of the castle I'm greeted with the sight of Hunter leaning against one of the castle columns with his arms crossed over his chest with one leg propped against the wall. I smile at him before an idea crosses my mind, a smirk creeps across my face as I slowly sneak behind him and whisper a small 'boo' in his ear making Hunter jump in the air with a yelp. Stifling a laugh I watch as he catches his breath, turning to me he sighs. "Good morning to you too (y/n)!" he retorts in frustration as I smile.

"Did you have to do that to me so early in the morning?" he scolds as my smile widens. "Hmm yes. Yes I did!" I stick out my tongue at him as he does the same. "I really do hate you sometimes. " he murmurs, crossing his arms in frustration as if he were a child. "Ohhh you don't mean that! You know you love me!" I say flinging my arms over his shoulders from behind making him laugh as he brings me forward to face him. "Yes, I do malady." gently he takes my hand and places a gentle kiss on my knuckles making the both of us smile. 

Staring into each other's eyes were suddenly brought back to reality by the sound of a door opening. Seeing my father as well as Lilith we quickly jump apart as Hunter's facade quickly changes from the boy I love into someone dark, someone sad, someone not himself, someone else as they come through the door in a stoick manner that sends a slight chill down my spine. a feeling I've seemed to have  gotten accustomed to after I turned twelve. Quickly brushing it off I smile and give a small curtsy as Hunter does the same with a short bow. "Your highness" we both greet, earning a proud smile from lilith.

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