12 - Leaving

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"Hey Ti'ywan, you wanna go play basketball with the douchebags?"

Spider stood at the door to the barracks, holding a ball, smiling at his friend. Ti'ywan turned around to face him, crouching over a small backpack holding a necklace. She zipped up the backpack and threw it over her shoulder as she stood up.

"Yeah, sure, go on ahead, I'll be there in a few minutes"

He jumped with excitement, delighted by her agreement to play until he realised what she was holding. 

"What do you have that backpack for?"

Ti'ywan's expression was serious and he wasn't liking the silence she was giving him. He looked between her and the backpack, gesturing for her to answer his question. She nervously played with the string of beads and feathers before mustering an answer.

"It's just some stuff for the mission we have today"

"Why are you packing now, we're leaving in like four hours, you could have done it later"

"I just wanted to have it ready, now let's go"

She was about to walk through the doorway when he blocked it, glaring at her. When she glared back at his strange attitude, his gaze softened and turned into a pleading look. 

"Look, I'm not that dumb"

"I didn't say you were"

"But you're still trying it"


"Just say it"


"Ti'ywan, say it"

"I'm leaving"


He expected her to leave sooner or later, but it still hurt. He wished he could go with her but his human body would drag her down. He would just be an obstacle to her since he needed his mask and it wouldn't have enough oxygen for the journey. Not to mention he wouldn't be able to get a refill anywhere. He sighed and gestured for her to crouch and she did, letting him give her a comforting pat on the shoulder.

"Say hi to Kiri and everyone for me"

Ti'ywan smiled and nodded. Shaking his hand off her shoulder, she took it and held it for a second before putting something inside his palm and wrapping his fingers into a fist.

"You weren't there when I gave my family theirs, so I kept it, waiting for the right chance to give it to you"

Spider admired the necklace before putting it around his neck. He gave her a hug and ran off towards the basketball court, intending to keep the avatars busy so she'd have a smooth leave. 

Ti'ywan quietly walked through the endless hallways, watching humans pass by, busy with their jobs. Strong light hit her when she reached the hangar, needing to shield her eyes from it with her hand. 

Truthfully, she didn't sleep much last night, thinking about a lot of things and searching for her resolve to leave. It came easily when she remembered who she truly is. She is the daughter of Toruk Makto, who raised her to be a warrior and a protector of their family, which was in the first place for her no matter what. Her time spent here wasn't wasteful as she learned many things from Quarritch and the others, however, her place was elsewhere. Onlookers watched her leave the building, confused by the straightforwardness that came with her walking out casually like she wasn't just about to escape captivity. Once outside, Ti'ywan yipped and whistled to summon Pukk, who was unbeknownst to everyone but her, hiding in a nearby tree's shade, waiting for her. Without wasting a single second, he jumped out of the tree's embrace and landed on the concrete ground in front of her, immediately giving her his greetings in little barks and purrs.

She ran her hand against his smooth, beautifully coloured skin until she reached one of his queues and connected it to hers. She jumped onto his back just as Quarritch and his team came running from inside the hangar, breathless. Merely a side eye was given to them as Pukk took off, ascending above the clouds so they couldn't follow.

Everyone else had left shortly after they disappeared in the clouds, however, Quarritch and Spider stayed, watching the sky in hopes of catching a glimpse of Ti'ywan.

Ti'ywan briefly stopped by the Omaticaya's hidden base in the hallelujah mountains, earning herself a lot of commotion and warm greetings as they had missed her. The current olo'eyktan told her which of the sea clans the Sully's were headed to, wishing her luck on her travels. Ti'ywan packed her belongings and held back tears, when she saw her bow and knife. When she got captured, they stayed behind in the forest. One of them must have retrieved it for Ti'ywan. She held both weapons to her chest for a second before putting the knife in her bag and setting the bow down for a bit. Then she stripped herself of the military clothes and put on her normal ones. Finally ready, she put the bow on her back along with the backpack containing everything she needed and left to find Pull, who was being fed by one of Ti'ywan's friends. She thanked her and left on Pukk's back after securing her luggage to his saddle.

"Hey guys! I'm alive! No, that's not right"

"Oh why isn't Spider with you?"

"Oh well you see, we were held hostage and he's a human so he wouldn't be able to escape with me cause y'know, oxygen"


Ti'ywan desperately tried to come up with an greeting to give to her family once she found them, yet it seemed awkward no matter what she said. Plus she knew Kiri was going to balme her for leaving Spider behind.


"What about...Father! Mother! I have returned! What do you say, Pukk?"

He turned his head to the side so he could see her and purred.

"You're right, I should have a mysterious entrance and say nothing"

Whilst she now had an idea of how to reunite with her family, she still had a long journey ahead of her. Not to mention she didn't know which settlement they were at.

Ti'Ywan, The Daughter Of Toruk MaktoWhere stories live. Discover now