5 - Capture

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"Big sis, come on! Let's go!"

"Don't worry Tuk Tuk, I'm right behind you"

Ti'Ywan chuckled, her little sister's excitement was cute and slightly contagious.

"Dude, why'd you even bring her along?"

Spider had doubts about bringing the little girl with them. It wasn't exactly a safe adventure they were on.

"Cause she's a crybaby and was going to snitch if I didn't"

Ti'ywan, Spider, Kiri, Lo'ak and Tuk were wandering around in the forests of Pandora where many years ago, a battle took place between the Na'vi clans and the sky people. What they were searching for today was an almost intact abandoned aircraft from back then. Lo'ak seemed to know it's general location, which didn't go unnoticed by Ti'ywan, but she wasn't going to scold him unlike their parents. She didn't mind getting in trouble, because she knew she could always get herself and her brother out of it, like she had done many times in the past.

"When are we going to get there?"

Tuktirey whined from boredom, as they haven't found anything yet.

"It should be around here somewhere...as there it is"

Lo'ak climbed a tree where the vehicle was stuck, tied up in vines. It's front window was broken.

"That is so cool!"

"Are there any corpses?"

Ti'ywan climbed up as well and checked it out.




Ti'ywan grabbed a skull from the inside and threw it to Spider. Tuk who was standing next to him got scared. Ti'ywan and Lo'ak laughed and shared a high five. Spider did catch the skull, however after holding it for a few seconds, looking at the repulsive and gruesome thing, he dropped it and flipped them off, making them laugh even harder.

After a few more minutes of messing around, they noticed Kiri wasn't there and went to find her before they'd leave for home. Spider found her sleeping and woke her up.

While walking home Lo'ak and Ti'ywan suddenly stopped and looked at the ground.

"Lo'ak, Na'vi don't wear shoes right?"

"Duh, but it's too big for a human"

They followed the footprints until they got to the old cottage where their father used to drive his avatar from.

"Dude isn't that where my dad and yours fought? That's awesome"

"Guys, it's almost eclipse, we should have been home a long time ago"


Ti'ywan grabbed the boys heads and ducked them behind a fallen tree. There were strange avatars wandering around the rundown building. Lo'ak looked at his worried sister who was observing them.

"Who are they?"

Tuk tried coming closer only to be shoved away by Ti'ywan and shushed once again. The situation was growing serious and the oldest sister wasn't going to risk their safety and took off her bow, having it ready just in case.

"We're leaving immediately, go!"

"What's happening?"

Tuk was confused why her sister was so worried all of sudden.

"Get moving, Lo'ak, report it"

Lo'ak frowned, worried she'd say that.

"Do I have to?"

Ti'Ywan, The Daughter Of Toruk MaktoWhere stories live. Discover now