1 - Childhood

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"Focus babygirl, to become a great warrior, you also need to learn to make weapons"

Jake instructed his three years old daughter on how to make a knife. She listened carefully and took in all the knowledge her father was blessing her with. With the birth of her first baby brother Neteyam a year ago, she felt a sense of duty. Her father was very proud and slowly, in small doses, taught the small child all he knew. Even the other kids in the clan didn't start so young, but she insisted. For her learning to become a warrior was much better than playing alone.

Jake helped her put the blade into the handle and tie it up. When it was all done and decorated Ti'ywan held it up with pride. Her first ever knife, although a bit too big for her right now, meant she was one step closer to her dream.

"Sìltsan(well done) babygirl, that's it for today, let's go to your mum"

He picked her up and went over to Neytiri, who was breastfeeding their newborn, Lo'ak and adopted daughter Kiri and cuddling an asleep Neteyam. Jake sat down next to her and they touched their forehead together. Ti'ywan giggled and climbed on top of his head to clash her forehead with theirs too. The parents laughed and kissed the girl on her cheeks, one from each side. Jake peeled her off from his neck and put her back into his embrace. They all fell asleep while cuddling as Neytiri sang them a song.

Eywa blessed Jake and Neytiri with strong and healthy children, giving them more happiness than ever before and with more to come.


Ti'ywan picked up things fast. Impatient and excited to become a great warrior and protect The people alongside her father and mother. At just 6 years old, she swung through trees like she weighed less than a feather, completely in sync with the nature, trusting every plant and creature. She was too young to learn the bow or fight for now, but her father taught her survival skills and marks tracking.

Birds chirped all around and leaves rustled as animals moved through them. Ti'Ywan listened carefully while staying low to the muddy ground. She looked carefully and spotted a set of footprints. She skillfully followed them until they disappeared. The little girl briefly looked in all direction before sniffing the air and perking up her ears. One of her ears flicked violently and she jumped up onto the tree above her. She climbed up a few more branches before going around the trunk of the giant moss covered tree.


Jake jumped at her playfully, successfully ambushing his daughter. The girl screamed and then giggled as he started tickling her. Neytiri left the shadows and leaned against a tree, chuckling softly while watching them wrestle.

"Sìltsan, sìltsan, you have learned to track well"

Neytiri praised her daughter as she knelt down with her arms open. The girl jokingly, with no strength behind it, kicked her father in the chest and ran off to her mother, giggling. Jake dramatically pretended to get hurt and fell down limp onto the branch they were standing on. Their daughter gave her mum a kiss and went to resuscitate him. He pretended it wasn't working and then seized his little girl, making her giggle once more.

They went down to a small stream to play in the water. Neytiri had left them for a brief moment and came back with Lo'ak and Kiri in her arms and Neteyam next to her. The children immediately ran to each other and started play fighting. A few hours later Spider came running from the laboratory. He was one of the few humans to stay on Pandora, as he was too young to be put into cryo sleep. Jake accepted him as a part of the family sort of, however Neytiri believed he didn't belong here. He was like a stray cat, always following their children around, as he had noone else his age to play with.

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