17| United Front

9 3 28

Commander Leon

"Speak, Dorian!" I vaguely hear him screaming at me from behind. I can't stop looking at Rain slumped in the chair in front of me.

I will make him suffer for another day for every person he forces me to kill. This makes 4. But this one... this one counts as a few because she was innocent for all I knew. I only hope she didn't hear my name before she died. I don't want to be known as this... monster that he's turned me into.

"Dorian, I swear to god," his footsteps approach me and I whirl on him and he pokes me in the chest. I can't even feel it, the armor is too thick and immovable. "Did you get what we needed?"

"It's Commander Leon to you. And no, Niko. I didn't and if you touch me again, I will break that nasty finger off."

This scrawny dark-haired tyrant has been my handler since I woke up several weeks ago in a high-tech infirmary. I look down at him with anger building. He's at least a foot shorter than me, especially with the suit. His black-brown eyes squeeze shut in frustration. His pale pasty skin turns red around his neck and face. The black suit he wears fits his body perfectly, but his personality is a different story.

I don't remember much from before I passed out. I know they are drugging me–putting what they want me to see in my head. I'm perpetually angry, and I'm not so sure that part is drug-induced. Maybe they want me angry; I have been on a warpath for weeks, and I'm not even sure why except that they brainwashed me. And even though I'm not sure what they washed away, I know that they did. That fuels my anger from sun up to sun down.

Rain, she knew Stetson. I know she did from her body language and the way she spoke. She couldn't lie if she wanted to.

Stetson. Stetson. Stetson.

I can feel my soul pushing me to find him, pushing me to protect him. Why? I know it has something to do with what they scrubbed. But what?

All I know is that day that I saw him in that field, fighting like hell to keep us from taking this girl, I knew it was him. I knew I couldn't hurt him even if I tried. I felt pulled to him. There was a sudden urge to pull him into my arms and hold him–wrap myself around him and protect him.

I know I probably fucked up by being in this godforsaken suit and showing any kind of mercy. Red Suits are trained to be relentless, emotionless robots. We are meant to kill without question. Rip souls from bodies so that they can be used as hosts for those that prove themselves worthy with money or otherwise. We are meant to release souls into nothing with no emotion.

Stetson. Stetson. Stetson.

I haven't been able to get his honey-colored eyes out of my head. I watched them fill with tears as he screamed for her. My heart shattered to pieces and I didn't think I had one left. I am eternally grateful that he bowed and let them take her without a fight. Otherwise, I might have had to turn on them and probably get myself killed in the process.

"Commander!" Niko's nasty tone pulls me from my head.

"What?" I scream at him as I shed the helmet. I hate the way it changes my voice to sound like a robot. It's disgusting and makes it hard to identify myself when I look in the mirror.

"Why the hell not?" he asks with anger.

"She didn't know them," I reply nonchalantly, even though it hurts me that she lies dead behind me. I know it's a lie, but he doesn't.

"Fuck!" he screams at the ceiling.

"We've ravaged three of their piddly little camps now and I haven't seen a single sign of her," he whispers to himself.

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