07| My Favorite Place

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I have been closed up in this bunker for too long. I've been watching Athena get better and trying to make sure she eats and it's been over a week. It's time.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked as I nearly dragged her behind me toward the garage. I can't help it. I'm excited.

The last time I left the bunker it was to finally execute the plan that we'd spent months preparing for only for it to go terribly wrong.

She tugs me to a stop when I reach the door to the garage and I turn to look at her. Her lips are pursed and she releases my hand to cross her arms. She's trying to look irritated, but I can see the excitement in her eyes. She doesn't fool me.

"Where are we going?" she asks again with much more emphasis.

"I didn't answer you the first three times you asked, because I'm not going to tell you," I snark with a grin.

"Then I'm not going," she pouts.

"Well, not yet. First, we have to cover the rules, and then... well, we both know that you'll just have to satisfy your curiosity," I tease her hoping for a smile.

I can see the smile playing at the corner of her lips, but when she huffs at me I know she won't crack.

"Alright, suit yourself, love," I shrug. "Rules," I repeat with emphasis to catch her attention. Her gaze flicks back to me with defiance in it.

"It's important that you follow the rules: number one, never leave the bunker alone."

She uncrosses her arms and shifts her weight. Good, she's realized that the jokes are put aside for now.

"Number two: Don't leave my side. Ever."

"What if you aren't the one with me?" she protests and pokes her lip out in a pout.

I tap my chin, "Amendment to rule number one: Never leave the bunker without me," I slowly close the steps between us. She shuffles her feet as I reach for her face. I gently brush my thumb over her pouted plump bottom lip and she immediately sucks it in.

"Rule number three," I mumble still looking into her eyes, "always watch your back. I will as well, but you keep your watch in every direction."

Her breathing is ragged, stuttering in and out. I rub my thumb over her bottom lip again and she sucks in a breath. The look in her eyes is going to start something that there is no way we can finish right now.

"Let's go," I turn back to the door and I hear her blow out a breath that she'd apparently been holding.

"That's it?" she asked. I froze. Please, don't push it, Athena. I only have so much restraint. "Just three rules?" I relax. Just the rules.

"Three very important rules that will take all of your energy to follow every second that you are outside these walls. Come on," I jab my head toward the door and push it open.

Inside it smells like engine oil and gasoline. There are two ATVs stashed here. We have a third one that is still missing parts. We've pieced these together–well Rain has–with bits and pieces that we have ripped off other things on our runs.

"Where'd you get these?" The excitement in Athena's eyes tells me that this was the best idea I've had in months.

"Here and there. Rain put them together with parts that we've scavenged over the..." Her head flicks back in anticipation of how I would have finished that. "...last little while," I finish.

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