The Knight x Reader

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A request from @Isabella641239 hope you like it!

Tw- Mention of sharp objects, blood, sacrifice.

Pronouns- Neutral


(Y/n Pov)

I heard there was a new killer. I hope that they haven't really gotten that good. I heard they could summon guards. And some other things, but who knows. I was anticipating the trial. Waiting, wondering.

 I felt the cold black fog surround my body, taking me to the place of torture. I looked at my surroundings. This place was new. A burning village.

 I started to work on a generator. I was almost 20% done when I heard a heartbeat and a giant slash, and a cream. My finger fumbled with the wires and it blew up in my face. "Shit" I cursed as the heartbeat got closer. I turned around to a giant figure coming toward me. When they were about 10-7 feet from me, they stopped. 

"Your highness?" He said. My face was filled with confusion. "Excuse me?" I said. "You are royalty yes? You wear the attire of a king/queen/royal. " He said. I looked out my outfit and it looked a little fancy, and oldish. I laughed a bit "Well i guess" i said out with a chuckle. He suddenly bowed on one knee and planted his sword in the ground. "My liege, much apologize for my reckless behavior to thy highness, I will except whatever punishment you offer".

 I was so confused, at first i jut thought he was new, now I think he is delusional. "If it matters now, a few hours ago, I stopped intruders from getting any more witchcraft stars in working order. "Oh um, thank you??" I said, honestly questioning this dude. "Um you maybe not kneel?" I said, the whole thing with the kneeling made me feel weirdly flustered, I dont know why. "Of course, would thy like me to slay (Heh slay) anymore intruders that may threaten you?" He said, my mind suddenly snapped. "OH NO DON'T HURT THEM!" I screamed. He tilted his head in confusion. "May I ask why, they could hurt your elegance". "Umm they are my helpers.. yea, those stars are for a... CELEBRATION! They are new" I said hoping he would believe that awful lie. He nodded, and walked right next to me.

 God the height difference was incredible. He i so tall. "What is wrong? Why are thou staring?" He said. Oh I didn't know i was staring. My face flashed pink. "Oh i was um, just wondering what your name was, you never introduced yourself" I said out of panic. "My many apologies for my rudeness! I am Tarhos Kovács" He said. "Well I'm Y/n L/n" I said. "If i may say, that is the most beautiful name i have heard" He said lightly whispering the last part. As if he regretted saying it. Even though he may have meant it. "Thank you" I said with a smile. When I heard the last gen power up His head perked up.

 Has it really been that long? Maybe I jut got partnered with fast people with toolboxes. Maybe talking to Tarhos was just time consuming. I ran to the exit gate. but before i got to it Tarhos blocked my way. "Hey! what are you doing?" I said, eager for him to move. He looked at the ground. "Im sorry, but you are forbid to leave me" he said looking me in the eyes. "And that is why?" I placed my hand on my hips. He didn't answer so i pulled the leaver, but then i was yanked backwards. 

I saw the armor of the knight. "You can not leave, I have told you that" He said, his word lacked in slight annoyance. I sighed and just hang there. Honestly i didn't mind, like he was kind of cute not going to lie. He sat me in a house, one that wasn't all the way burned down.  "You will stay here with me" He said sitting in front of me. "And why should I? I said, what was hi deal? He was fine until i walked to the gate. "Because, I don't want  you to leave. If you leave I will not see you again for a while . And i don't want that void in my heart. It would be so dark without the light of your beauty" He grabbed my hands halfway through his deceleration of.... love??? He was a killer. Probably killed so many people, but my face heats up. I blush, a lot actually. I turned my head. 

I want to leave, but do I? Maybe he is just misunderstood. Or he was just.. i don't know. He ha refers to me a royalty, what happens when he finds out im not? i sigh and give in. "fine i'll stay. But for 5 minutes then i leave, understood?" I sighed. His head shot up from his stare at the ground. "Thank you my king/queen/elegance!" He said. almost touching me, but he shot back. After that he just talked, i responded with yes or no. Or i would answer his questions with small answers.

 Then in the back of my mind I heard the time come to a bell, that means it's half way there. "Um Tarhos, sorry to interrupt but i gotta go-" I said rushing to get him up and I can go to a gate. He followed behind me, once the gate came into my visions we both walked toward it. I was about to walk out when a hand pulled me back. "Tar-" I started but stopped buy a blush coming to my face.


I got cut out of my fan girling (no gender inclusive, just use for all) when  He stopped. I smiled like a dork and waved goodbye. I tripped due to my brain being on cloud nine at the moment and he went to help me but i got up fine and left. 

That (k)night I would barely sleep. 

That kiss, may have been a hand kiss but... AHIUVAUGIWU OMFG. I forced my knees to my chest to hid my embarrassment from no one, it was just impulse. Eventually i got tired and went to sleep.


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