Leatherface (Bubba) x Valentine!K! reader

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Pronouns- She/Her

Tw- Blood, sharp objects , gore.

*Not a request*

If you guys want i can make a male version, maybe with a different story line


(Bubbas pov)

I fidget with my fingers, trying to think of ideas. I knew Valentines Day was coming up so I have to think of something. I never really thought of Valentines Day before. I heard Grandpa talk about it once, saying that it was a waste of time. I thought i was dumb before but now... its kinda growing on me.

  My foot started shaking as I became stressed without any ideas.  I remember small things i can do that are considered 'cute' to her. I ran around and picked up a few dozen of flowers and rocks I found pretty. I set them somewhere hidden and waited for a match. I knew what I was going to do, what my family did. I mean we did it to show our love for each other. Not that im in love or anything.

 Like Nubbins said 'Bubba don't focus on the people, if they are two dummy's in love, they always die for dumb ass reasons'. I offered the spider thingy something so I can get the stuff i need for my p- pro-, my thing. I felt the fog around me and i felt giddy. 

*After the trial*

Before the spider took me back I grabbed the blonde boys body and put it on my shoulder. I was back in the spot i was before. I set the dead body on the ground and grabbed my chainsaw. I raved it up and when it started going i cut into the skin, making sure nothing was harmed. I stopped the saw and ripped the ribs open and removed them with the meat. I grabbed the heart and the organs i needed.

 I went to the pretty abandoned building in one of the places. It looked like home. I began to work on all of my stuff. Moving stuff out of the room, putting stuff around. I found candles in other places.  I used the fire i found to cook the meat and light the candles. I grabbed the dec-de-, give me a second. dec-orat-ions. 

(I hc that Bubba ha trouble speaking and with words, even in thoughts i guess sorry if that sounds stupid). I placed them where i wanted and made it look pretty. I put my 'pretty lady' face on and my outfit that i wanted on. Now all i had to do was go find her. 

(Y/n Pov)

I was sitting around, making small adjustments to my (Insert weapon). A twig snapped behind me and i heard a small grunt. I turned around and saw Bubba. He shuffled towards me and stared at me. He looked away for a second. He looked back and grabbed my arm. "What the hell are you doing?" I said trying to pull my arm back but he kept pulling me. I sighed and just followed. We went into a house and he pulled me up the stairs. "where are we going?" i questioned. I smelled something... like meat?

The smell got stronger as we neared a door in the house. I saw the small gaps in the doors were lit up by whatever was inside. He stopped and opened the door. I looked in the room, it had candles, they smell like vanilla and ceder wood. The walls and a table were decorated with blood drawn hearts and some hearts made of various organs, and an actual heart. I saw writing on the wall in front of me that I had to make out what it said. 'Will u be my vae*scratched out* valaentine' I smiled at the effort he put into it. Might not be the best spelling but it didnt matter. I looked at the table in front of the writing and saw a few plates and a bottle of it looked like wine. he grabbed the plate and wine and gave it to me. I took it, then he looked at me and then the plate. I got the hint and took a bite. It tasted really good surprising me.

 I ate the whole thing and then he pointed at the message. When I looked at it he turned to the side. His body shaking and he played with his hands. I put my hand slowly on his then he looked my way. I smiled and said "Yes, I would love to". His eyes lit up and he threw his arms around me. .Lifting me into the air. "Woah, be careful big guy your almost crushing me" I said while laughing. But i did my best to hug him anyway. "By the way you look pretty" I said and he smiled. He sat me down and he gave me flowers and pretty rocks. He was kind of stimming when he saw me smile at them.  I took a flower and placed it behind his ear. He turned away with a red face. 

" Well with the whole scene you made i guess your my bloody valentine huh?" He smiled and nodded. The light shined through the windows and I held his hand and watched the wind blow through the trees.

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