Chapter Two

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After sending the kids off to school Gladstone,and Emilie decided to search for their respective family members, and tell them about Kelly, and Kildare.
"And after that?"asked Emilie.
"I suppose we can join up, and come up with ideas together."said Gladstone.
"Good idea.What time?"
"How about lunchtime?"
Sure.Everybody's free at lunchtime!"
After that,they went their separate ways.It was easy for Gladstone to find his family members due to his luck, but not so lucky for Emilie.
Thankfully,it was easy for her to find Danielle, and Mimi.They were at work,but getting into Glomgold Industries was near impossible.Eventually,Emilie was allowed in Glomgold Industries.But only on the promise that Glomgold was allowed to go wherever Emilie went.
Which turned out to be a mistake.
"You are going to have a family meeting?! I want to join!"said Glomgold when he heard what Emilie told Mimi.
"But Mr.Glomgold,you're not family."Mimi pointed out.
"But we're a big,happy family here at Glomgold Industries."
Emilie,and Mimi just stared at Glomgold skeptically.
"Okay,I'm just looking for a weakness to destroy McDuck!"admitted Glomgold.
"At a family meeting?"asked Emilie.
"He keeps saying how important family is to him!"said Glomgold.
"We're talking about an obscure family member."
"Fine!But I'll be there!"
" at McDuck Manor?"said Emilie when Glomgold left.
"Sure.What time?"
"Lunchtime."said Emilie before leaving.
Emilie had already decided against telling her brothers about Kelly, and Kildare,in case it fell apart for some reason.But she wasn't sure about telling Denise.Emilie supposed she could tell her over the phone.But considering that Annebelle could be anywhere, she decided against it.
Speaking of Annebelle,where could she be?Given her lifestyle, she could be anywhere in Duckburg,although Emilie knew one thing.
Annebelle was probably with a man.But where was she going to find out which man that Annebelle was with?
Emilie realized that the Coconut Hut was down the street.If she wasn't in the Coconut Hut,then someone in there would probably know where she was.
"I'm looking for my sister!Where is she?!"Emilie asked in a dramatically aggressive voice when she slammed the door of the bar open.
"Right here."said the bartender,pointing to Annebelle, who he was clearly about to kick out.
"She's your problem now,ma'am."said the bartender as he threw Annebelle at Emilie,causing them both to fall onto the sidewalk.
"What did you do?"Emilie asked Annebelle as they both got up.
"Nothing!That bartender is just a stick in the mud!What are you doing here anyway?Don't you have boring things to do?"said Annebelle.
Emilie ignored her, and decided to tell Annebelle about Kelly, and Kildare.
"Don't you two are being overprotective?Not to mention paranoid?"asked Annebelle.
"No!And make sure you get to McDuck Manor at lunchtime!"said Emilie.
"I'll take that as a yes."said Emilie as Annebelle walked away.
Well,that was everyone.Emilie didn't know which family members Gladstone gathered for their meeting, but she was about to find out as she began to head over to McDuck Manor.


"So,let me get this straight, you two are suspicious about Kelly, and Kildare's relationship?"Scrooge asked Emilie, and Gladstone when everyone was at McDuck Manor.
"In my defense,Kelly has had her heart broken multiple times before."said Emilie.
"And Kildare is-Kildare."added Gladstone.
Scrooge didn't say anything.He didn't spend much time with Emilie's side of the family, so he could only take her at her word.And as for Kildare-he tried to avoid him as much as possible.
Thankfully for Scrooge,Donald took the reins.
"I think you two are being overprotective, and paranoid!"Donald yelled at Emilie, and Gladstone.
"That's what I said!"Annebelle said.
"Shut up Annebelle!"Donald,and Emilie said to her at the same time.
Emilie then turned to Donald.
"You don't know what you're talking about!You didn't have to deal with Kelly crying because some shtik drek dumped her because she thought she could trust him!"Emilie yelled at Donald.
"You don't know Kildare!He's harmless!Didn't you tell her this,Gladstone?"Donald yelled back.
"Yeah.But I don't think she heard me."admitted Gladstone.
Donald glared at Emilie.
"What?"said Emilie.
Donald opened his mouth to say(or yell something),only to be interrupted by Flintheart Glomgold falling from the ceiling.
"Hi."Emilie told Glomgold.
"What are you doing here,Flinty?"Scrooge asked Glomgold.
"I was told to come!"Glomgold told Scrooge.
"No you weren't!"Emilie said to Glomgold.
"How did you even know about this meeting,anyway?"Scrooge asked Glomgold.
"I heard about it from Mimi, and the ponytail Duckman."answered Glomgold.
"My name's Emilie."said Emilie.
"Why would Emilie tell you about this meeting? I can understand the Duckman that works for you, but not Emilie."said Scrooge.
"My name's Mimi."said Mimi.
"I heard them! I refused to let the ponytail Duckman-"
"My name's Emilie."
"In unless I go where she goes!Please! I can help with your problem!"
"We don't need your help!"said Scrooge.
"You needed my help when the Moon invaded!"
"This is different!"
"Oh,how?It's quite clear that the ponytail Duckman-"
"My name's Emilie."
"Isn't going to budge."
"He's got a point,Uncle Scrooge."said Donald.
Scrooge looked at Donald while Emilie glared at Donald.Despite their differences,Scrooge knew when Donald was right.And this was one of those times.Emilie wasn't going to budge.
"Alright,Glomgold.What do you have in mind?"Scrooge asked Glomgold reluctantly.
"A dinner party.Both sides of the family.Nobody will hide who they really are in front of a group of people."said Glomgold.
Nobody said anything.What could they say?It was one of those few,few,very few times, that Glomgold had a point.
But they also didn't trust him.
"And how do we know that this idea of yours isn't some ruse to destroy my company?"Scrooge asked Glomgold.
"Uncle Scrooge,Glomgold constantly failed to destroy your company.What makes you think if this is a new ploy,it'll succeed?"asked Della with a laugh.
Glomgold began to fume.
"I got an idea to keep him in line."said Emilie with a sinister smile on her face.
"Oh,really?"said Scrooge,intrigued.
Glomgold eyes grew wide.He had a feeling that he wasn't going to like Emilie's idea.

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