Chapter 18 from Expiration Date in Gwen's POV (Canon)

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I sip my wine, listening to Erik, while I watch the girl beside him. The moment the two set foot inside the mansion, a headache developed behind my eyes, culminating to a point when I met the girl's green eyes. Molly's eyes. So similar, it was as if she had plucked them from Molly's skull herself.

The ballroom is full tonight with Society members speaking rather than dancing. There aren't musicians ready to play a melody or food set out to snack on between dances. Only wine and champagne.

I glance down at my wine and frown. The next ball won't be until the Order is complete, until Erik has taken on the mantel of Tresais rather than me. Looking up at him where he stands across from me, I ask, "How is it that you two met?"

"A bar. We were both day drinking." He gives me a go-eat-shit smile.

Jonas walks up to us, coming to a stop beside the girl. "Hello," he says to her before merely nodding to me.

"Khaleedi, Erik's telling me about how he and Iris met."

Jonas's eyes flash in warning at me. As if this outsider would have any idea that I was speaking a language not of this world. "I can't believe you're getting it out of him," his tone conveys none of his annoyance. "By all means, carry on with your conversation." He waves his hands between me and Erik.

"At least tell me it was a charming little bar," I say to Erik.

"I wish I could say it was, but I spotted at least three cockroaches."

I ruffle my nose at that comment as I listen in on my brother and the girl's conversation about when she spoke with our mother. I take another sip of wine, gaze locked on Erik. "If you had looked in the mirror, I'm sure you would have found another one."

Jonas glances at me before turning a dazzling smile on the girl.

"Do tell me, Jonas, what it is that has you laughing." My twin joins Jonas at his side.

Erik ignores them all. "If you're related to a cockroach, does that make you one too?"

I purse my lips. The girl curtsies to my twin, and his eyes slide to mine.

"Iris, this is my brother, Colton, the future Beta," Jonas says.

"The elusive red head from the photos." Colton looks at Erik, a quirk to his lips.

Erik scowls at him but says to me, "So, Gwen, how does it feel to not be the center of attention?"

"I don't know what—"

Words Colton had just spoken ring in my ears. "From when Erik pulled you away from the car. We saw pictures of the back of your head."

"Erik," I say slowly, "you didn't mention anything about that."

"Because that's not the first time we met," my cousin says.

"Still." Looking down, I drag my finger along the rim of my glass. "It sounds important."

"I didn't think it was something one should bring up right away."

I still my finger and look up at him. "Is bringing up that she has Molly's eyes something else no one should bring up right away?"

Silence stretches between us until Colton says, "Is that so?" and takes Iris's chin in his fingers, dragging her face up to meet his.

She twists out of his hold, falling back against Jonas.

Did my brothers also experience what I felt when looking in her eyes? "Aren't her eyes a striking resemblance?" I ask.

Colton adjusts his bronze laurel wreath. "Yes."

Riley walks up to us, a grin on his face, and clasps Erik by the arm. "Erik, I'm so happy you're home."

"Riley. I'm sorry I missed your ceremony."

Riley's smile falters. "No, you aren't."

Jonas introduces Riley to the girl as his Eta, and he's barely finished before Tobias and August join us. Before we know it, we're going to have our own impromptu Senate meeting.

Tobias presses a kiss to the back of her hand. "So you're the girl my cousin brought home?"

The girl seems charmed. "Yes."

"Tobias, the Undici."

August dips his head to her. "August, the Delta. It's nice to meet any friend of Erik's."

Said cousin's gaze cuts to him. "Where is the rest of the Order?"

"Most are in Germany," Jonas says. "They called an emergency meeting with France, Britain, and us. Impeccable timing."

"They'll be missing our ceremonies." Colton retrieves a flute of champagne from a server.

Erik takes one of his own when the server comes back to offer the glasses to us. "Emergency?" Erik asks.

Jonas waves the server away. "Britain's trying to force Germany to back out of our treaty."

Erik knocks back the champagne. "Did Bently go?"

I roll my eyes, thinking of what Bently could get away with saying to Abella without our supervision. "Yes."

"Sorry to interrupt." Eli squeezes between Erik and the girl, and he drags his hand leisurely up her arm. I hold back my gag. "New plaything?"

I fight the urge to flick him on the back of his head.

She steps away from him, and Eli turns to Erik.

"Uncle Cyrus wishes to speak with you."

Erik's lips turn down before he follows the Epsilon, leaving his new friend alone with us.

I turn to the girl. "Iris, I can't imagine what it must have been like for you."

"What was?"

"Almost being hit." I draw close to her. "You poor thing." Opening my arms, I hug her, digging the nails of my free hand into her arm. "Poor thing indeed." I tilt my glass, letting the wine pour out and spill down her dress, and I quickly pull away from her. "My goodness. I'm so sorry."

I glance at Jonas whose eyes burn with brilliant blue fire, but our brother looks at me with a bit of satisfaction in his eyes. I twirl my glass between my fingers. "Riley, would you be a doll and refill my glass? And please show Iris where she can clean up."

Riley's eyes narrow as he snatches my glass. "This way, please," he says to the girl, but Jonas holds up his hand, stopping him.

"That won't be necessary. I'll take Iris to clean up." His hand hovers behind her back, and I fight to keep my composure, to not protest. He wasn't supposed to offer to help this stranger. He's too far above her.

"Jonas, really," I say. "Riley can handle it."

"Riley, please make sure Gwen consumes no more alcohol tonight. I believe she may have drunk too much."

It feels like I've been slapped in the face. Jonas leads the girl out of the ballroom, paying us no more attention.

"Was that really necessary?" August asks.

I snatch my glass from Riley. "If you can't sense the wrongness rolling off her, then this country is damned."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2023 ⏰

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