"Stupid!" I scold myself. A knock on my door gets my attention but I ignore it. I instead walk over to my bed, throw off my boots and climb into bed. I think over everything that happened and everything I want to happen. I like him but I don't think I'm ready. Besides, what if this is just a passing crush. That's why I asked my father to wait until I was 21 before looking for my future partner. I'm still immature. It's not fair to make him wait for me to be ready though. I fall asleep after a while of tossing and turning.

The next I wake up to the sound of my door opening. 

"I'm sorry Roman. I tried to knock but you didn't answer," Logan says. "I tried to find you last night but you weren't here. Were you with His Highness Prince Virgil?" he asks. 

"Yeah," I say, barely audible. He looks at me with concern but I brush him off and get up to get dressed. 

"The prince is getting ready to leave. I was told to fetch you," he says. 

"Already?" I ask as I change my shirt. 

"Yes. They've been here long enough already and are anxious to get back to their kingdom," he explains. "If you want to see him off you should hurry," he adds. I get dressed quickly but make sure I'm presentable. 

"Come on," I say as I leave my chambers. We leave my chambers and make our way to the front of the castle. I spot Virgil standing aside talking to my mother. I didn't expect her to see them off as well. I make my way over to them with Logan.

"Mother. May I speak with him for a moment?" I ask. 

"Of course sweetie. Have a safe trip Virgil," she says to me and then to him. He looks at me. 

"I wanted to apologize for last night. It was a mistake to do that and I am really sorry if I made things strange between us," I tell him. Virgil looks at me with an emotion I can't place. Then he gives me a fake smile. It probably looks real to others but I can tell. 

"Don't worry about it. We'll still always be friends," he says in response. 

"Uhh. Of course," I say back. He nods and turns to walk over to his father. I look at him helplessly. This is what's best. I don't want to lead him on but end up falling in love with someone else.

We're still young and are not ready to be engaged just yet. Plus I'm not sure I'm ready for what that entails just yet. Especially when I don't love him. When I am older though I'll have a better idea of how I feel. We have time. There's also the chance it's only a crush for him. I don't exactly regret kissing him. I just feel bad because I shouldn't have. 

"Logan," I say to get my friend's attention. 

"Yes?" He asks. 

"When I apologized to him just now, what did it sound like to you?" I ask. 

"Like you were apologizing for something you regret doing," he says. 

"Oh no," I say and look at Virgil climbing up onto his horse. I can't say anything now. He must've misunderstood me. 

"But I don't regret it," I say softly. 

"Regret what exactly?" He asks. 

"I'll tell you later," I say as I watch Virgil leave. I'll write to him and explain myself better. I say good morning to my parents before excusing myself. I'll find my mother later and ask for her advice.

"So. What exactly do you not regret doing to the prince?" Logan asks. I sigh and decide to tell him. Maybe he can give me some advice as well. 

"Kissing him," I say just loud enough he can hear me. Logan stops walking and pulls me to a stop with him. 

Royally in Love - Sanders SidesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora