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3 years later

I was helping helping Jake out with a mission. Things have been pretty rough recently but it's had upsides to it like I was now dating va'ru don't get me wrong he's really sweet but I don't think I was ready for him

Jake looked at me "make sure that you have eyes on the target" he spoke into the throat communicator

I clicked a button around my neck saying "got it." I held my bow and arrow only to see another blue girl I tilted my head confused was she from the village or? Then it hit me she was wearing army pants and a tank top "Jake." I said "I see a dream walker."

"Huh really?" I heard his voice he sounded confused

She had long black hair and held a gun

"Do not engage y/n." I sighed sitting in this insufferable bush, I saw a wood sprite land on her gun and then fly off I looked confused "the great mother is with her don't attack."  I spoke

"What how the hell do you know"

"Just don't attack."

He sighed mumbling something under his breath "fall back but take her to the camp" he said into the comms

I only heard a twig snap and show my head towards where it came from and apparently she did too pointing her gun at the noise, it was lo'ak of course it was him it was always him..

"Lo'ak what are you doing?"

"I'm helping out"

"Are you crazy jake said fall back and if you don't know what the hell that means it means don't interfere or shoot"

"I'm a man I'm stronger than her." He whispered taking his knife out

"Oh for fucks sake"

He walked up to her with his knife out "hey you're gonna have to come with us." He grabbed her arm

She swiftly kicked him I saw him fall on the ground face first as she held his arm up and pressed down on his back with her foot

"Oh you gotta be joking.." I mumbled getting up "Jake I'm gonna have to interfere lo'ak did it again"

"I'm almost there try and hold her off" Jake sounded pissed off

I made my way around the bushes, I was behind her. I looked at lo'ak trying not to laugh he just looked helpless in the floor I shook my head grabbing her and holding a knife against her neck, she quickly dropped her gun I pulled her off lo'ak "yeah get down." I saw her get on her knees I tied her wrists up and looked at her

"Gosh you suck I was just gonna start having my fun"

"Mhm." I rolled my eyes

"You people don't play when it comes to their planet" she grumbled

I then saw Jake landing on the ground "oh look your ride is here"

Jake went up to me and her lifting her up and grabbing her arm "you're comin with us."

"Yeah no duh" she rolled her eyes

I chuckled as Jake took her on his ikran, I helped lo'ak up "i thought you were a man and stronger then her"

"Shut up she clearly caught me off guard" he had a blush covering his face

"Right." I called for kalin, she landed right in front of me. jake was getting ready to fly off. I saw lo'ak get on his ikran too

"I'm taking her to the camp okay." Jake said toward us "so follow."

"Yes sir."

"Got it sir"

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