Wanna ride with me?

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Living life with the sullys wasnt as easy as i thought but it was fun

"Try and catch me teyam!!!" I let out a small giggled after being chased in a game of tag only for me to trip on a rock and face plant completely into the dirt

"Ah! Y/n are you okay!?" He quickly ran up to me and helped me up

And that's where it started

"I'm okay neteyam! Thank you" I held onto his shoulder.
He smiled at me "I'm happy your okay"

And as we grew we got more closer, hunting together flying together I remember when we were 16, like it was yesterday.

6 years later

I sat in a chair disinfecting his wounds "Alright this is gonna sting." I pressed the rag down on his wound, it had ointment on it.

He winced from the pain "you know you didn't have to do this for me y/n" he looked at me with a small smile

"I know but after all you're my best friend teyam." The word best friend never sat right with me, I always wanted to be more with him but it seemed like he never wanted the same

"so uh. How are you and tanhì?"
My eyes flickered to him. I can't lie I was feeling a bit jealous

"Oh uh." he  scratched his neck "it's been pretty okay" he gave me a small smile

"That's great" i finished cleaning up his wounds

A loud annoying irritating voice was heard "neteyam we need to talk now."

I clenched your teeth looking at tanhì. I moved away from him

Tanhì looked at me rolling her eyes, she took neteyams arm practically yanking him away from me "are you okay? Do we have to reschedule our date night or-"

He stood up due to him getting pulled "let's go for a walk" she looked very pissed

Your ears flickered back, as you went to mo'at's tent, you decided to organize her medicine. Mo'at walked in and sat down "something troubles you."

"Oh no it's nothing."

"I know that look" she smiled to herself "it's my grandson isn't it"

You couldn't help but blush a little. mo'at and kiri were the only ones that knew about my crush on neteyam. I stayed silent fidgeting with my fingers

"And it is. You know Eywa has her time  you just have to wait for the right time."

I sat next to her leaning my head on her shoulder "I know. I wish it was now though and if we aren't destined I hope it doesn't hurt" she patted my head

"Eywa only knows"  mo'at smiled

"I'm gonna check on kiri. Do you need any more help before I go?"

Mo'at shook her head no "but do bring these to kiri." It was a basket of different paints that mo'at had collected

"You got it!" I took the basket and made my way to kiri's tent.it had vibrant colors that i helped her paint with different patterns "hey kiri" I smiled setting down the basket

"Hey y/n" she smiled, Tuk was in the tent with her

"y/n!!" She came up to you and gave you a hug

"hey tuk " I hugged her back patting her head

"Can you take me for a ride on kalin pretty pleaseeeee" she begged you

Kalin was my ikran Tuk always asked me to fly with her "Of course Tuk, you up for a ride later too kiri?"

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