She's back

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He gave me a small smile "hm okay!"

A few days later

I was getting ready for my hangout with neteyam
I let the braids out of my hair leaving it loose and silky, I put flowers in my hair, I wore a black beaded top with gold embedded in it. I left my tent walking to kalin my ikran

"Hey y/n goin on a date?" Jake asked me looking at my outfit

"No I'm just gonna hang out with neteyam"

"Oh alright stay safe then squirt." He patted my head walking past me

I walked up to kalin petting her nose as I saw neteyam walk toward me


He had his hands locked with you know who

"We made up" he smiled happily

"Yea congrats."

"I was wondering if I can bring her with us you know."

'Oh hell no.' I thought "uhm why don't you both go you know since you wanna invite people so unexpectedly" I gave him a cold stare

Tanhì looked at me rolling her eyes it seemed neteyam didn't catch it

"Oh I just thought it would be fun you know"

"Neteyam I'd rather die then be next to her breathing the same air. You said it was gonna be us yet here we are." I felt anger bubble up inside me

"Oh come on she's done nothing but be nice to you y/n and this is how you treat her."

"Oh get over yourself neteyam she treats me like shit when your not around" I snapped at him

Tanhì gasped "I would never do that" she gave him a sad face as fake tears rolled down her face

"What is wrong with you y/n you are acting stuck up. you made tanhì cry" neteyam was mad he shoved me

You felt the impact as you shoved him back "I'm gonna fuck you up if you put your hands on me again you better watch it." I hissed at him my ears going back as my nose scrunched up in anger

Neteyam looked shocked "y/n I'm sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Save your shit" I walked passed him annoyed that he would even put his hands on me like that, I walked back to my tent and sat on the ground I let out a frustrated grunt, I decided you know what I'm not gonna be miserable and sulk in my room all day I'm gonna go out there. I was gonna explore best option out there right now, I grabbed my hunting knife and bow. I exited my tent calling for kalin, I got on top of kalin

Kiri looked at me "where are you off to in a hurry?"


"Hm sounds fun can I come?" Kiri tilted her head

"Sure come on" I patted kalin so she can get on. I mean it's way more easier and better right, she got on top of kalin. She wrapped her arms around me as I took off.

Over looking the beautiful sight I saw the amazing sights. After flying for a bit I landed kalin next to a tree I got off as kiri did too, there was a teenage navi boy there and he was known as va'ru you see va'ru always had a huge crush on me and despite me always rejecting him he never gave up, it seemed he was there with his sister simri too, he smiled at me "y/n" he greeted me excited he greeted kiri as well. Va'ru was tall he had long braided hair and these piercing yellow eyes needless to say he's gotten way more attractive.

"Hi va'ru" I smiled shyly

Kiri was quick to notice, she gave a small smirk

"Hey y/n hi kiri" simri said with a gentle smile she was around lo'ak's age her face had a scar going down her eye, she got it from an incident she was pretty short for a navi

"What are you guys doing out here" simri asked

"Oh we came to explore what about you guys?"

"This is me and va'ru's hang out spot we didn't know anybody would come across it" simri said shyly

"Don't worry me and kiri will keep it a secret"

She smiled softly at us

"So y/n it's been a long time, care to catch up?" Va'ru asked me

I looked over to kiri as she gave me a thumbs up


Va'ru took my hand in his, leading us away from kiri and simri

"You've gotten more beautiful over the days you know last time I saw you was 2 festivals ago. Where have you been"

I looked up at him a small blush decorating my face "oh I've just been out and about you know I haven't really been social these past days I just have been stuck in my own world." I gave him a small smile

He nodded understanding where I was coming from

"Y/n I hope you know I haven't given up on you yet" he gave me a small chuckle

"That so?"

He nodded stopping in his tracks turning to look at me

I looked back at him, the scenery around us was beautiful

He held my hand in his "when will you give us a try?" He looked at me scanning my face for an answer

"Oh va'ru.." I looked at him

He held my hand up to his face, "please." He pleaded

I looked at him deciding if I should give him a chance or not I suddenly hear a obnoxious giggle only knowing who that can be from

Neteyam stopped dead in his tracks when he saw me and va'ru, his eyes widened

Va'ru looked at neteyam who was staring at me "what happened" I asked va'ru turning around only to see neteyam

"Are we interrupting." Neteyam clenched his jaw

"No but you can leave now." I said still mad from earlier

"I think I'm gonna stay."

"Fine suit yourself." I turned around taking va'ru somewhere else and unfortunately for me neteyam followed me with tanhì every single corner

"Would you stop following us"I rolled my eyes

"No I have to make sure your safe"  it was clear neteyam was jealous

"You really think I'd hurt her." Va'ru looked at him getting a bit angry

"Never said that"

Tanhì tugged neteyams arm "can we just go."


Va'ru looked at him "listen to your girlfriend freak"

Now neteyam was never one to get into fights, he looked at him giving him a stare "you're gonna regret those words coming out of your mouth." He walked up to va'ru

I've never heard this come from neteyams mouth nor seen this side of him he was acting crazy

Tanhì rolled her eyes "I'm going home" walking away

You scoffed "neteyam stop your acting so disrespectful for no reason stop acting like that"

Va'ru scoffed deciding to leave and let us sort it out

"Great mother your acting like you have a stick up your ass I mean what's with you. You don't even like me you only see me as a friend you have a girlfriend yet you're interfering with my love life my LIFE." I walked up to him

"Because I do care about you y/n your my best friend"

I facepalmed "just go back to your girlfriend and leave me alone okay."

"But y/n-" he grabbed my arm

"Neteyam I said leave me alone!" I yelled at him yanking my arm away

Neteyam looked down, upset his ears went back as he turned around to leave

Since that day me and neteyam haven't gotten along since

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