great just great...

52 2 12

Before I got to the hotel, I smelled something delicious. I turned around... and saw the best muffin shop I ever saw of my lifetime. I rushed to the store. OMG, OMG! THEY EVEN HAVE GUCCI CURTAINS SAUSAGE MUFFINS!!, my favorite 😍 💓.  But then.... I saw how much money it was.... it was.... 500 euros!  I don't like that :( Before I got my credit card. "Ich bezahle für sie" (I pay for her)

I turned around and saw him.... the cursed animated boy. But he wasn't animated... no, he was just ugly and cursed.... (she meant gorgeous, hot, and pretty) he gave me the muffin. I have to run. Otherwise, he will kidnap me again! When I got the muffin, I rushed to the door and ran as fast as I could. But when I turned around the corner. I bumped into someone and fell. I looked up and saw rita... The last thing rita said was, "im so sorry" before she hit me with a stick.

(I didn't even have the time to eat my gucci curtain sausage muffin :'( 😢 😫)

kidnapped by rolli und ritaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora