just woke up

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I woke up in a alleyway. But it wasn't a bad animated alleyway, it looks real. I put my hand in my pocket and found my phone back! I also found a letter.

Hi Amelia

You're probably are confused you are back at your world.
But I returned you back because rollie is evil and he is a psychopath D:
So I wanted to save you but please be careful because rollie will return


Wait what...
Alright I just ignored the letter I was just happy that I was free of that weird world. I looked down at my phone and saw that It was 2 days ago when I got kidnapped.
OMG my parents must be worried!!!
I saw that I only have 2% left Alright I have to know my location first.
Thank God! I was still in Berlin. But where in Berlin. I called my mom but then my phone died! UGHH GREAT!! Now I have to borrow someone's phone .

I walked to the closest store and asked for a phone "umm h-hi can I please borrow your phone my battery just died" I said the old men looks confused at me and said "Ich verstehe dich nicht, tut mir leid" Alright I have no idea what he just said but he walked away so great I asked a woman for her phone. she knows how to speak English yay! "Oh I'm sorry but you can't borrow my phone" she said Wait what are you for real. Then she also walked away.
Great just great.

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