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I wake up to the brightness of the sun shining directly into my eyes. I don't know what time it is, but its definitely later than the time I usually wake up at. Its also a lot more uncomfortable than my bed is, like I'm laying on a couch or in a coffin or something. There's a sharp object poking into my back but when I go to move it, it moves first.

"You trying to kick me out?" Vic says softly into my ear.

I giggle. "No, I'm not. I didn't know what you were."

"You didn't know what I was?" he asks. I can tell from his tone that he's smiling.

"I still don't." I say teasingly.

"Its pretty simple, actually. I'm your boyfriend."

I turn around and face him. He drapes an arm lazily over my stomach and pulls me in closer to him.

"Boyfriend?" I say. "What do those do?"

"Hmmm..." he says pretending to think. "Well, they sleep beside you at night."

"Ooh, I like that. What else?"

"They kiss you, hug you, do other things to you." he says, his hand trailing its way down my body.

"Hey!" I say, trying to pull his hand away. "We can't do that right now."

"Why not?" he whispers into my ear.

Suddenly the mattress we're on bounces up.

"God I forgot how much I hate tour buses." I say with a laugh.

"Me too, but I'm glad you're here." he says.

Since Mike has had the scandal, he's left the band, and since I don't have a band anymore and PTV was missing a drummer, I joined their tour. Its a six week tour, so its kind of a trial run type of thing so we can see if this works.

Its been a year since that supper where Vic told me that he wanted me. We've bought a house together in California, right on the water so we can spend our mornings in the water together. Right now we have it rented out so it doesn't sit vacant. We feel like its not a waste this way. But we'll be back to it soon. 

We've agreed to tour for three more years, and then after that we're going to settle down in California. We're going to have a family. He wants three kids but I'm trying to get him to agree on just two. I keep trying to get him to agree to two kids and three cats. Maybe a dog if he's nice enough.

"I'm glad this worked out." I say to him happily. "I love you."

"I love you too." he says and gives me a kiss.

I feel a warmth in me as he says it. I'm looking directly into the rest of my life, and honestly? Its better than I could've ever imagined.

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