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I guess the tour has finished.  Actually, I know it has. It finished two months and fifteen days ago. I have some regrets over how I left especially since I never went back, but whats done is done. I saw an announcement saying that they have a new drummer set to start, which I don't blame them for. I never even returned anyones calls so I didn't expect them to keep waiting for me or anything. 

I stayed in Indiana for a week after that last day, just trying to figure out what I wanted to do. If I should go back to the tour, if it was worth it. It wasn't an easy decision to make, but in the end I decided it wasn't. It was time to move on. So I bought a house in Del Mar. I bought a couple, actually. One for me, and the rest to rent out as a source of income as I figure out what to do next for my career.

I like it here. My house overlooks the ocean so every morning I get to wake up to the sound of water, which I later go have a morning dip in for about half an hour. Even though I have a pool in my backyard, I prefer a good morning swim in the ocean instead. I'm lucky that I can have this view and life. My days aren't stressful anymore, there's no more being on the road constantly, there's no more stress. Now my days are filled with art, the sun, music whenever I want, and Luke.

I met Luke after a month of leaving the tour, and he's exactly what I want. He's the typical blonde haired, blue eyed easy going beach guy. My favourite thing about him is how dependable he is. I can text him any time for anything and he's there. He's never like on the road for hours or sleeping at weird times. I mean, he's an accountant, so of course he's not on the road or anything. But thats the great part about Luke. I can count on the fact that he'll be at work at 8:30 each day and done at 3:30. I know he'll text me around 9 each morning to say good morning. Every Friday he shows up at my place with some fast food and a bottle of white wine. Its usually a terrible mix, fast food and wine, but it gets us tipsy so we don't mind.

"So, listen." Luke says as he's getting ice for our drinks. "I have a work thing next Friday."

"Oh." I say. I don't want to feel bummed, I mean we see each other every weekend so its a bit selfish of me, but it sucks still.

"Its in Torrance." he says. "Really nice spot too."

It must be nice to go to nice work places. Sure, my work sent me all around the country and even around the world sometimes. But his work sends him to nice restaurants at fancy hotels with long conferences. 

I push my jealousy aside so I can try and be supportive of him and his work. "Well I hope you have fun."

"Wren, I'm inviting you with me." he says, a smile in his voice.

"Oh!" I say, clearly surprised. "I didn't realize."

"Clearly." he says and laughs. "You don't have to come if you don't want to."

"I do!" I say too quickly. "I mean, like, whatever, I guess."

"Lucky you're cute." he says with a laugh as he hands me my drink. "I'd like to pay for your appointment Wednesday."

Since I stopped performing is having my nails done. I know it sounds superficial to want them done all the time, but so what. I always wanted to have them but I could never before. I tried once and broke like every nail that I have within two songs. So now every Wednesday I go get them done.

"No, its okay." I say. "I have an appointment already."

"I know, but I like to treat you too." he says.

I've never told Luke what I did before. He knows I own properties, but other than that he has no idea how I make my income. Its not that I'm trying to hide it, I just don't feel the need to say it. I'm also not ready to talk about any of it yet, like why I left the band or anything. I can't do it. And I don't need to. I told him before that its something I don't want to talk about and he respected it, so I guess that chapter in my life is done for and buried.

"Okay, sure." I say. I've been trying hard to let him help with things. Its not always easy, but from time to time I break and let him do things for me.

"I also took the liberty of buying you something." he says.

He gets up and grabs something from the living room table. Its a small, square jewelry box, completely white all over. One the top of the box it says the company name with a small silver moon underneath it.

"Luke..." I say. "This looks expensive."

He grins down at me. "It wasn't too bad."

Not only did Luke come from money, but now as an accountant, he makes a lot of it. He's not showy about it, though. He lives comfortably and is still humble which is something I really admire about him. The only time he does show off his money is when he buys me gifts, but I know to him its not even about the money at all. He's bought me things from a pair of homemade earrings, to this necklace that is worth a lot more than most people would spend on jewelry. 

"You don't have to buy me stuff." I say.

'I know." he says and takes a seat beside me. "But I like to."

Since our very first date he's been buying me little gits every week. Its his way of showing me he cares, and although its hard for me to accept the gifts, I do because I know its his way of showing he likes me.

"Open it." he coaxes me.

I open up the box and inside is the most beautiful 18K Rose Gold Vermeil Moonstone Necklace. Its the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen in my life. It leaves me absolutely speechless to see it. 

"Do you like it?" he asks. As if I would say no.

"Oh my God." I say quietly. "Its the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." 

"You like it?"

"Of course I do!" I cry. "Its so gorgeous."

He takes the necklace from my hands and delicately lifts my hair, draping the necklace on my neck. He loops bar through the circle loop, to close it in front my neck.

"You're too good to me." I say quietly.

Lately I've been feeling something I haven't felt in the past couple of years. Its a feeling of happiness and warmth. The last time I really felt that was with Vic, but with everything going on it was hard to keep that warmth with me throughout my day. Now I feel that warmth often, sometimes it lasts through an entire week.

I feel a tinge of guilt over my thoughts of Vic. Luke is here in front of me giving me a very beautiful gift and I'm thinking of Vic. Who I miss. Who I hate to miss.

"You make it easy to be good." Luke says, calling my attention back to the present moment. 

I smile at him as my hand absentmindedly touches my necklace and my mind absentmindedly wanders back to Vic.

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