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We may have been the ones who got high and "trashed" our bus on shrooms, but compared to PTVs bus ours is spotless. As soon as I walk in there's like seven pairs of shoes near the door, there's a random blanket thrown over their kitchen table, and there's clothes literally everywhere. It makes me a little more thankful that my band isn't just men. It also makes me a bit jealous. I wish I could be this careless everyday. I left an empty chip bag on our kitchen table before and I still feel guilty about it.

"I'm so sorry about the mess." Vic says from behind me. He picks up the blanket and throws it on the bench as if that solves the clutter problem.

"Oh, its fine." I say, pulling myself from my thoughts. "Honestly I kinda expected it."

He grins at me with that stupid sweet smile. "You did? Well in that case, let me just." he takes his sweater off and much to my disappointment he has a shirt underneath. While maintaining eye contact with me he throws his sweater onto the floor of his bus and looks at me proudly.

"What a power move." I say faking as if its truly impressed me. 

"I'm actually not gonna leave that there." he says as he bends down to pick his sweater back up. "The guys are messier than I am honestly, but I don't feel like picking their shit up all the time so I've learned to let it go."

I nod at this. "I respect that. I like a clean man."

He raises an eyebrow at me. "So if I was trying to impress you - not that I am - but if I was trying, you'd say I was doing a good job?"

I lift a hand to my chin and pretend like I'm really thinking about it. "Yes."


"Yep." I say confidently. "You're doing good."

"Cool, cool." he says and leans back against the table. "And if I wanted to impress you more, what could I do then?"

I feel my cheeks start to turn into a warm, pink blush. I refuse to let him know that hes getting to me, though.

"I'm not easy to impress." I say giving him my most earnest look. 

His mouth pulls into a smirk. "I know you're not."

"Buying me food always impresses me." I say.

"Okay, and what else?" he asks, taking a small step towards me.

I'm suddenly aware of how close we are to each other. If I wanted to I could reach out and touch him, closing the little distance we have between each other. I could be mere centimeters away from his soft eyes and even closer to his lips. The idea makes me feel so warm and like this bubbly feeling and for a second I almost give in. Its not like theres anyone else here to see it.

But instead I take a step back. I try to be subtle, but Vic notices the distance I try to play off. His face softens, the flirtatiousness that was there a second ago completely dissolving. 

"Wren." he says, his eyes glued to mine.

I know he's going to ask whats going on here. Between us. But I just ...can't. I can't bring myself to tell him the truth because I don't know what it is. I slept with Mac. Again. And I liked it. But I also like Vic, or I think I do. But I know his type as well. He's the leader singer of one of the most popular bands in our genre for fucks sake. I know what that entails and I don't know if I'd be able to handle the constant worry of whether or not he's with some other girl. 

God why did I agree to come on this bus? Its too late to get off it now.

"What entertainment did you have planned for us?" I ask him, diverting the talk we we're about to and not about to have.

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