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"We need to tell you something." Lila says.

Her and Mac are sitting across from me at my patio table. They texted me an hour ago saying they needed to talk to me, which, of course, stressed me out so much. I figure its something about Ray, but they didn't want to talk about it over text, which is why they're now at my place at 9am, which doesnt seem early but as people who are mainly dealing with late nights, its something.

"How bad is it?" I ask, unsure that I even want the answer.

"Depends how you look at it." Mac says. "We don't think its all that bad, but its a shock."

"Oh God, lets hear it. I'm ready." I say.

"First I want you to know that we really thought about this." Lila says. "We thought about it a lot, and we decided it just as us two, but we didn't ask you because we figured you were done anyways."

I raise an eyebrow at them. "Go on..."

"We've decided to disband." Lila says.

"Disband?" I say in disbelief.

I can't believe it. We're a big name right now in the music scene. Lila and Mac love to tour and have never once expressed an interest in splitting up, so yeah, this is a complete and utter shock to me right now.

"Yeah." Mac says. "Its about time."

"But... why? You guys love to tour. You love making music."

"And we still will, maybe, just not as a band." Lila says as she grabs Mac's hand. "We want to settle down in one place. We want to start a family eventually."

"Start a family? You guys haven't been together that long though..."

"Yeah, but we've been in the same band for years. We know what we're like, we know that we can make this last forever." Lila says.

"In a way it kinda feels like we've been together since the start." Mac adds.

"Wow, okay." I say. "Sorry, it just really caught me offguard, this whole disbanding thing. What if you regret it?"

"We could always just get back together if we regret it that much, but for now it just feels like the right thing to do." Mac replies.

It makes sense. We all have the money to retire right now anyways, so money isn't a problem. We never talked about me rejoining the band, but I think we all know that I wouldn't have been ready for awhile regardless. 

Plus the idea of them starting a family isn't that crazy to think about. They made a good point about how living together and touring together for years is kinda similar to being a couple for that long. They've seen each other through every single mood, they've seen each other almost every second of every day for about ten years now. So realistically the family part seems a little late when you think of that.

"You're not mad, are you?" Lila asks me nervously.

"No, not at all. I'm just genuinely surprised." I say. "I thought you loved it."

"We do, its just hard to be us when we're on the road doing all that bullshit." she says. 

They glance between each other and I catch a glimpse of what they're talking about. I see them. I don't see lead singer Lila or guitarist Mac. I don't see my friends either. I simply see Lila and Mac, a couple. It all makes sense now.

"I'm happy for you." I say finally and I truly mean it. 

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